Chapter 5: Secrets?

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            While 2012 Donnie, 2012 Mikey, and 2012 Raph were in the lab, Leo stayed back to talk to the Rise turtles real quick, as they were standing in the living room.

            "Don't worry, guys. Your brother is strong. He'll make it through. Especially if he loves you guys more than anything and knows that you guys need him." Leo said, trying to stay calm for the three turtles.

            "You've never met our brother. He isn't as strong as you think he is. None of us are. We never had any sort of training and we don't know what we're doing." Raph explained.

            This confused Leo. He looked at them with a confused expression, "your brother is a red-eared slider turtle who wields a portal-generating ōdachi sword, right?"

            "Wait... so you have met him?!" Mikey questioned.

            "I thought you knew! I thought he told you!" Leo said.

            "Told us what?" Donnie asked skeptically.

            "Okay... so it seems as though there's some things your brother hasn't been telling you..."


           Leo squinted his eyes from the blinding lights. He tried to sit up, which was extremely painful. He sat up on the rooftop, looking around over New York City.

            "Okay, Leon. You sent your brothers to hopefully another dimension, where you meant to send them, but lost your sword in the process. Now you are really injured and probably have like 20 broken bones. And if not, then that is truly a miracle. I have to get back to the lair. This is gonna hurt..." Leo said to himself.

             He tried to stand up, pain coursing through his body. He carefully made his way back to the lair. With each step he took, more pain shot through his body.

            He finally reached the lair, just in time for his legs to give way in the doorway. He collapsed to the ground.

            "Leo!" He heard a familiar female voice call out with concern.

            "April..?" He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

            "What happened to you?! And where are your brothers?!" April asked, rushing over to Leo to assess his injuries.

            "The guys... portal... Big Mama... another dimension..." Leo said, unable to form full sentences, feeling himself beginning to black out again.

            Leo felt his eyes get heavier as everything went dark.

            "Leo! LEO!" April shouted, trying to wake him up. She felt his pulse and luckily, it was there, but barely.

            April got Leo over to the couch (do they even have a couch in their lair- oh well! Plot convenience-) and laid him down, assessing his injuries.


            "No, no, no. Leo doesn't keep secrets from us! He's always open and honest with us! He wouldn't lie to us!" Mikey defended, not wanting to believe his older brother is a dirty secret-keeper.

            "I'm sorry, but he just didn't want you to know for some reason. I have met him before, when he portalled here, to this dimension. While he was here, I trained him a little bit, and I know that he wouldn't have sent you guys here for no reason. He wanted you guys to come here. And it was just unfortunate that he got captured right when you all stepped through the portal." Leo explained.

            "So... Leo has been lying to us and keeping secrets from us...? Why...?" Mikey asked his two other older brothers, tears forming in his eyes.

            He felt so betrayed. Him and Leo had made a promise, when they were younger, to always be honest with each other and never keep secrets from each other.

            Raph thought for a minute before deciding, "I don't know... but we're going to find out after we save him..."

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