Chapter 1

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"Azarath Metrion Zin- Ahh!" Raven yelled as Slade took her down.

"Oh, Raven, when will you realize? You are not a hero." Slade taunted her.

"Probably when you're gone." Raven hissed and tried to punch him, only to have her hand caught.

"You aren't going to hurt me, Raven."

"Wanna bet?" Robin shouted as he and the others finally got up.

"Let Raven go!" Beast Boy growled at him.

"Hmm? Actually, no. You see, Titans, Raven has been chosen to participate in what I call the Torture Games. So I'm taking her." Slade smirked underneath his mask.

"Torture Games? No way in hell is Raven going with you!" Cyborg shouted not liking the thought of his little sis being tortured.

Raven continued to struggle against his grip on her hand. "Let me go, you miserable bastard."

Slade clicked his tongue, "Now Raven, you're making this much harder than it has to be. Now for the first part of the Torture Games." He pulled her against him. Fear was evident in Raven's eyes. She tried to pull away from him. He grabbed her face and kissed her.

"No! Raven!" Beast Boy growled and charged at Slade. He turned into a lion and broke Slade's grip of Raven.

She fell to the ground. She stood up instantly and spat on the ground. She wiped her mouth with her cloak, "That was... disgusting!"

Meanwhile, Beast Boy clawed at Slade. Not really hurting him, but still attacking. He hadn't known why, but seeing Slade kiss Raven, made something boil inside him. Was it perhaps, jealousy?

Cyborg had to pry Beast Boy off Slade, and Robin handcuffed him. Starfire had gone over to Raven who had been trying to calm down before she destroyed the city.

"It is okay, friend. He will not make the lip contact with you again." Starfire said patting Raven's back.

"Star, I'm not in the mood. I need to calm down." Raven said holding her hand up.

"Very well. Meditate if you must." Starfire said and went to Robin, helping him take Slade to a high-security prison.

Beast Boy, still fuming and glaring at Slade walked over to Raven. Cyborg left to help Robin and Starfire, because they were struggling. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

Raven sighed and then nodded, "Yeah, fine. Thanks. I just need to calm down before I go and kill him!" She collapsed onto her knees and shut her eyes tight.

"Raven, come on. Let's get to the tower. It's not just you who wants to kill him." Beast Boy said and grabbed her arm and put it around his shoulder, supporting some of her weight.

They started towards the tower.


You think you won, Raven. But sooner or later, I will be back! And I will have you!


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