Chapter 8

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Just noticed in the last chapter instead of Malchior it said Machine. Oops, anyway, you all knew what I meant.

Starfire broke down crying. After seeing Slade electrocute Raven, Terra stabbing her hand, Cheshire stabbing her leg, and See-more, Blackfire, and Mumbo shooting at her at the same time. She couldn't even imagine what they were doing to her now.

"We're going to find them all and bring them to justice." Robin declared slamming his fist on the table.

"Justice isn't going to be enough. Whenever they get out or break free from jail, they'll just try to hurt Raven even more and she will be afraid of them." Cyborg said coldly.

"Cy, we're heroes, we don't kill." Robin said sadly. It almost sounded like he wished he could.

"We cannot argue something so pointless! We have to save friend Raven! They are the torturing her! And we will hurt them! She is counting on us to be strong and find her!" Starfire screamed with much determination in her voice.

"But we can't kill them, Star. No matter how much we want to. Just because we're heroes doesn't make us an exception to the law."

"But we can hurt them. Just as much as they are hurting our friend. Our best friend. Our understanding and calm best friend. They are torturing her, Robin." Starfire said tears coming down her face.

"I understand. She's our friend. But-"

"We still cannot kill. Understood. Can we just try harder to find her?" Beast Boy urged.

"Yes, we can."


Raven's POV

I felt so weak. Almost dead, but like they said, they wouldn't kill me because Theron wants me to break until I become his. I can't and won't let that happen. No matter what, I'll have to get strong.

"Hello, Princess." Theron's voice drifted into the cell as he walked in. Guess I wasn't getting the room again.

"Do not call me Princess." I scowled.

"Very well, Rachel. Here's your food, darling." He set down a tray of food. It was my favorite food from Azarath. (This is a made up name, but I did use it in another one of my stories) Intola Hesphew. And beside it was a piece of chocolate cake and a steaming cup of chamomile tea. But I didn't feel like eating, especially since he's the one giving me the food. I would rather much have Terra or Slade give it to me. Terra, at least, would have the courtesy to poison it. "I'm not hungry."

"Yes, you are, Rachel. I know you are." He said with so much certainty.

"Well, then, I don't feel like eating. I rather die than eat to keep my strength."

"This is so you won't die during the torturing, darling. After what Blackfire, See-More, and Mumbo hit you with their powers, you must be hurting."

Technically, he was right. I felt weak and sore. But it doesn't mean I can't ignore him. I turned away from him and hugged my knees as I rocked back and forth.

"Rachel, don't make me force you to eat. I will." Theron threatened.

I said nothing in return.

"I'm going to count to three, Rachel."

I chuckled, "Yeah, like that's terrifying. I'll eat once you leave, okay? So get out." I stood up and went to face him.


"I don't make promises with criminals, but I will eat it. But I won't you gone."

"You'll grow to love me one day, Rachel. I guarantee that."

"I would never love you, you sadistic bastard."

"Don't say that yet. Just wait." He said and left, closing and locking that cell.

I hugged and looked at the tray of Intola Hesphew. Might as well. I grabbed it and went to the corner and ate it slowly because every time I swallowed, it hurt my stomach. And my hand was still bleeding from when Terra stabbed me. So was my leg, Cheshire. I had burns and cuts from Blackfire's, See-More's blasts, and Mumbo's Joker-like cards. Damn those bastards. And every once in a while, I felt a shock from Slade electrifying me.

How many days have I been here? Has only been one? Am I already feeling dead from one day of torturing? How many can I survive? Can I even live through this?

But one question bothered me most:

When will the others find me?


Okay, this is short and I'm Sorry for the long wait. I haven't really realized that I was basically forgetting about this story. And honestly, I need help with more ideas, like who will Raven end up with. Beast Boy, Red X, or Aqualad. And how they're going to save her, I am completely lost in this. But It's been going smoothly, to me at least. Anyways, Sorry again. And wait for the next update.

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