Chapter 10

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This took longer than expected. I had a lot written down, but then I have no idea but it all got deleted and I had to write it all over again. So sorry for the long wait, but here's chapter 10. And the picture is from DeviantArt by melmisah, great artist.

Raven woke up to the sound of girls giggling. "Starfire, now is not the time. I have a terrible headache."

"Who said Starfire is here?"

Raven's eyes snapped opened and her head turn to see Terra. By her side was Blackfire, Cheshire, and Angel.

"So I take that it wasn't a bad dream?" Raven asked nervously.

"Not in the slightest, dear. Now, who would've thought? That Raven actually looks good in her princess wedding dress." Blackfire chuckled.

Raven instantly loomed down at herself. Surely enough, she was in the dress that she had seen when she was younger. It was dark, and fit her style. But her hands were handcuffed and the chain connected to a stick that Terra held onto to.

"Why am I in this?" Raven scowled.

"Well, for your wedding, of course." Terra smiled.

"I'm not getting married."

"Okay, technically, first is the proposal, but right after it will be your wedding."

"Who says I'll accept?"

"Theron's proposal."

Raven scoffed, "Yeah, that'll work just fine."

"Oh, it will, Raven darling." Blackfire grinned. She grabbed the stick from Terra's hands and dragged Raven forward. Raven followed, not having much of a choice. Terra, Angel, and Cheshire followed close behind.

Once they entered a dark room, the lights turned on, blinding Raven. She squinted her eyes and looked at the altar.

"Rachel, what a pleasure to have you here." Theron smiled as he walked up to her. He took her hand and kissed it.

"Don't touch me!" Raven hissed yanking her hand away.

"No matter, soon I'll be kissing much more than just your hand."

Raven simply glared at him.

"Turn it on." Theron commanded.

Raven watched as Slade, once again hacked into the Titan's computer.

"Slade. Where's Raven?" Robin instantly said as he noticed that Slade was on the screen.

"Don't worry. We'll all get to watch the proposal." Slade snickered.

"Proposal? Raven would never agree!" Beast Boy shouted.

"Go ahead, Theron."

Blackfire yanked Raven to face Theron. Raven looked away.

"I would look at him if I were you, child." Slade said.

Raven glared.

Slade pulled out a remote and pressed the large red button. The necklace locked around Raven's neck started to shock her. "Ahhhhh!" She cried as Blackfire suddenly yanked Raven's face towards Theron.

"Raven! Let her go!" Beast Boy pleaded.

"Hmm. Uh, no." Terra laughed maniacally.

Raven watched as Theron got to closer to her. He then pulled out her Azarathian tiara and placed it on her head.

"I'm never going to marry you, you bastard." Raven scowled.

Theron ignored her comment and dropped to his knees in front of her.

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