Chapter 6

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Theron smiled, "Yes, indeed. I told you I was going to come back, didn't I?" He came up to the bed and sat very close to her. He ran his finger up and down her thigh.

Raven rolled out of the bed and backed away from him, "Don't you dare touch me!"

"Rachel, you knew I was coming. I even sent you signals. You were too young when I first came to you, but now you're older and come of age. I marked you, remember?" Theron smiled showing her the cut on his palm and cornering her in one of the room's corner.

"Get away from me, you sadis-"

Theron suddenly grabbed her and pinned her against the wall and kissed her forcefully. Raven gasped and struggled underneath his weight. With one hand he had both her hands pinned up above her head, while with the other he ran it up and down her body.

Raven moved her head trying to keep his mouth from hers. She didn't want him. She didn't want this. Oh, Azar, please help me. Azar, please.

Then Terra came in and knocked her out with a boulder.


Every Titan and Red X watched in horror as Theron carried Raven out of the room. Terra then closed the door, smiling at the camera, "Bye, Titans."

Beast Boy shook in anger. First he touches her inappropriately and then he kissed her and gropes her. And then they knock her out. Oh, God, Raven. I'm so sorry...

Then Slade appeared once again, "Wasn't that the show to watch?"

"Slade, let Raven go!" Robin shouted.

"Come find us, Robin." Slade said and the screen went black again.

"Oh, it really is the Theron! This is the most terrible!" Starfire cried.

"Don't worry, girl. We'll get Raven back." Bumblebee said.

Everyone nodded. "Red X, do you know where their lair is?"

"That I don't. Theron came to me telling me about his plan-"

"What's his plan?"

"Make Raven his by will, or by force which is the objective of the game. Who ever makes Raven break, wins immortality, and many other powers."

"Of course. That's why there are many." Robin murmured.

"He didn't go to all of them. Only to some who actually stand a chance against you."

"But Cinderblock doesn't make any sense. He's just plain stupid." Cyborg said.

"Yeah, but he sure can smash." Red X snickered.

"Okay, yeah, you're right. But you really never got to see their lair?" Robin said.

"Well, he did tell me if I changed my mind to go to the tower. This tower, but I never understood why, I would've been caught by you all. So if the lair's anywhere, it near the this very tower. Maybe."

"No! We would've noticed if seventeen villains were here!" Cyborg said. "My sensors would've picked it up!" He started to look at his arm. And trying to pick up other heartbeats.

There were a total of thirty-three, but there were only fifteen people here. "Guys, I'm picking up eighteen unknown heartbeats."

"One of them is Raven's. They really are near." Aqualad said. He didn't know when, but he also started to take a liking to Raven. Although, he knew Beast Boy loved her, he was just too blind to see it.

Beast Boy took Raven's torn cloak out and held it up to his nose. Then he turned into a bloodhound and started to track her. Soon he smell the familiar scent of chamomile tea and lavender. He quickly turned to his human form, "Guys, I picked up a scent."

"Of course you are. She's been in here plenty of times." Red X reasoned.

"Oh, yeah, you're right. Let's go outside." Beast Boy said and turned into a cheetah and ran. I'll find you, Raven. I swear it. Even if it's the last thing I do...

Red X's POV

Yeah, yeah, it's unusual for bed guys to pair up with the good guys, but Raven didn't deserve what was coming for her. After seeing the guy almost rape her, I knew it would only get worse and worse. And Raven was helpless. She didn't seem to have any way of accessing her powers.

I followed Beast Boy, Robin, and Starfire outside while the others used technology.

"Okay, Beast Boy, remember Raven's scent. Lavender and herbal tea."

"Chamomile tea. That's the one she smells like mostly." Beast Boy corrected.

Damn, he really cares for her if he knows what type of tea she smells like. He's just too much of a bubbly idiot to see it. I wonder if Raven likes him too.

"Okay, chamomile tea and lavender. Remember. Now, smell." Robin said.

Beast Boy turned into a bloodhound and started sniffing. He took a couple of minutes, but then he stopped at one certain place. And he started pawing at the ground and then started to dig.

He found something.


I may not be updating this in a while. No Wi-Fi. Need to get a new phone, and school changed their password. Sorry, but this phone is crap.


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