Chapter 5

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I failed her. I can't believe I lost her... Beast Boy thought lamentably. No, there's hope. There's always hope. Especially for Raven.

The Titans and Red X all went to the tower. They had to come up with a rescue plan. The Torture Games didn't sound like an ideal place for a weak Raven.

"Okay, so we know there's Slade, Terra, Malchior, Angel, Kyd Wykyyd, Mumbo, Adonis, Plasmus, Cheshire, Psimon, Mad Mod, Cinderblock, Blackfire, See-more, Mammoth, and Billy Numerous. So-"

"There's someone else. Thorn, Trevon, Theodore, or something like that." Red X interrupted.

"Theron?" Beast Boy asked. Fear was evident in his voice.

"Yeah, that's it. How'd you know?"

"Yeah, Beast Boy. How did you know?" Robin asked.

"Raven and I were talking before the attack. She told me there were two possibilities of the people who were trying to hurt her. Theron and some prince who wanted to marry her." Beast Boy answered looking away.

"Why would Theron want to hurt Raven? What did she say?"

"Theron? Theron the Hunter! Is that who you mean, friend?" Starfire asked grabbing Beast Boy by his shoulders.

"Yeah." Beast Boy said.

"Oh, no! We must save Raven! Now! Theron the Hunter is the master of torture! He hunts rare objects and people and creatures and he tortures and enslaves them! We must hurry!" Starfire panicked.

"Yeah, I also heard of Theron. He's almost like the second baddest to Trigon." Harold said.

"Maybe third if we included the Brotherhood of Evil." Argent said.

"No, the Brotherhood of the Evil would come in as third. Theron the Hunter is much more dangerous than them." Starfire shook her head.

"We will need a lot of help." Cyborg whistled.

"Yeah, especially Raven's." Beast Boy said and then left.

"Do you think he has realized his feelings for friend Raven?" Starfire asked her boyfriend.

"I don't think so, Star. Not yet, anyway." Robin said.

"Only those two are ignorant enough not to see it." Cyborg said.

"Yep." Everyone agreed.

Suddenly the TV screen came on, breaking at first, but then Slade appeared.

"Hello, Titans." Slade smiled.

"Slade! Where's Raven?" Robin said slamming his first against the coffee table.

"And don't lie." Beast Boy said appearing in front with the other Titans.

"Well, why don't I show you? And then you also get to meet our master." Slade said and pressed a button.

The image suddenly went to another room. This one was dark, and they saw a sleeping Raven on the bed. They watched as she started to wake up.


Raven woke up in a dark room. She was in a very soft bed. In the room was a bookshelf full of books, a bathroom, and on the nightstand was a steaming cup of chamomile tea.

Where am I? What happened? Raven thought. Then she remembered. Kyd Wykyyd had brought her here. But what was here?

"Oh, Raven, Raven, Raven. Is that your name now? I remember on Azarath it was Rachel, wasn't it, Princess?" A voice said from a shadowed part of the room.

"Who are you? How do you know me?"

"Why, Rachel. Don't you remember me?" Then a boy stepped out from the shadows. Behind him were wings, as black as onyx. He was truly handsome, but he had the wickedest smile Raven as ever seen.

Raven gasped and backed up against the backboard of the bed, "Theron!"

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