Chapter 4

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As soon as they all got to the crime scene, Slade spoke, "Now. Now. Let's not get nasty. I'm only trying to get Raven. Just give her up and the city will be saved."

"No! Raven isn't going with you. Ever!" Robin said.

"Yes! We shall protect friend Raven so she will not be in your clutches." Starfire shouted.

"Well, Titans," Slade taunted, "Guess it will have to be the hard way."

Suddenly all types of villains appeared. There was Plasmus, Mad Mod, Kyd Wykyyd, Psimon, Cinderblock, Cheshire, Billy Numerous, Angel, Mammoth, Adonis, Mumbo, and See-more. Then two other people appeared; Terra and Malchior. Terra had a wicked scowl on her face watching Raven's every move, and Malchior smiled sweetly at her.

"Hello, my sweet Raven." Malchior said.

"Hey, witch!" Terra shouted at her.

Raven's eyes narrowed on those two, "Go burn in hell."

"You mean, go burn in your home? Rather not." Terra smiled.

"Why are you all here?" Robin shouted at them. He was slightly scared, but was putting up a brave front.

"To participate in the torturing of Raven, of course." Blackfire said appearing out of the sky and joining the villains on their side.

"You aren't going to touch Raven! Ever!" Beast Boy shouted glaring at them all.

"Aw, what's the matter, Beastie? Fallen in love with the disgusting witch?" Terra smirked.

Beast Boy growled at her.

Robin discreetly pressed the emergency button on his communicator, sending an SOS to all the other Titans. They needed help and even he couldn't deny that.

"Titans, go!" Robin shouted.

Then the battle started. Robin went towards Slade

Malchior, Terra, Kyd Wykyyd, and Adonis all ganged up on Raven. She started to block all of the fire, Malchior sent at her, the rocks Terra threw at her. Adonis kept on trying to grab her by surprise and Kyd Wykyyd tried to grab her to teleport her and him to the lair.

Beast Boy was struggling with Cinderblock, Billy Numerous, and Mammoth, who all decided to gang up on him. He kept on going back and forth with these guys. And he couldn't seem to try to help Raven, who had four people to fight.

Robin was battling with Slade, See-more, and Mad Mod. His staff was beating them all, but Slade always dodged his every swing. He saw the others struggling and wished the other Titans would hurry and get here, or they will surely loose.

Starfire was in the air, struggling with Angel, while Mumbo and Cheshire shot at her with knives and cards. They needed help, and anyone could see it.

Cyborg was shooting cannons at Blackfire, Plasmus, and Psimon. His cannons went cleanly through Plasmus, but he always regenerated himself. Psimon put a portal in front of him, sending the cannon elsewhere. And Blackfire disintegrated them with her own powers. "Robin, we could really use some backup!" He shouted.

"Already here." Speedy shouted as he and others touched down. There was Jinx, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Harold, Mas, Menos, Bumblebee, Jericho, and Argent.

"And I'm here." Someone from the shadows called. Everyone stopped fighting to see who it is. Even the villains were curious.

Then Red X came from out the shadows.

"What are you doing here, Red X?" Robin commanded.

"I've heard of the Torture Games. The one where this guy wants every villain to torture the hell out of Raven. I'm not into that, so I was like, why not help the Titans again?" Red X smiled. "Now, are we gonna kick some sadistic villain's asses or what?"

Robin smiled, "Titans and Red X, go!"

Everyone tried to each get one each, but Malchior and Kyd Wykyyd stayed with Raven. Jinx took Psimon from Cyborg as Red X took Blackfire from him as well leaving him with only Plasmus. Aqualad summoned water to attack Cinderblock from Beast Boy. Then Argent took Billy Numerous from him. Speedy started to shoot arrows at Cheshire, making her stop attacking Starfire and start attacking him. Jericho looked into Mumbo's eyes taking him away from Starfire. Mas and Menos ran circles around Terra, distracting her from Raven. Kid Flash did the same to Adonis. Bumblebee stung See-more, making him attack her and Harold blew his horn at Mad Mod. Everyone, but Raven, was fighting one-on-one.

Raven struggled with Malchior who repeatedly threw fire out of his mouth towards her, and Kyd Wykyyd was tiring her. She had lost her cape when Malchior set fire to it, it laid on the ground smoldering as the flames went out.

Suddenly Raven felt arms wrap around her waist. She struggled against them, knowing it was Kyd Wykyyd.

"Raven! Hold up!" Beast Boy shouted.

"Take her, Kyd!" Terra and Malchior shouted in unison.

Raven then saw nothing but black, as he took her to the lair.

"No!" Beast Boy shouted.

Suddenly all the villains disappeared in thin air. Cyborg's blast almost hit Kid Flash.

"Where'd they all go?" Jinx asked getting closer to Kid Flash.

"We don't know, Jinx." Robin said disappointed in himself for let them get away with Raven.

"We'll find her. No matter what." Beast Boy said picking up her torn cloak and clutching it tightly.


That you may try, green boy. But fail you will. Raven's mine, and only mine. Someone in the shadows thought as he stared at the heroes who had just lost a friend and team mate. Failure is what is in store for you. Nothing but pure failure. Suddenly, he expanded his wings and flew away from them all and went to the hidden lair that was in the ground.

Torture Games (Teen Titans)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz