Chapter 7

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Raven woke up in a very dark room. She was tied to a chair that restricted her powers. The same Mad Mod had used before when he had forced her and the Titans to be in school.

She looked around after her eyes adjusted and saw a single red, blinking light.

"What is that? A camera?" She whispered.

Suddenly a bright light was turned on, temporarily blinding Raven. She squinted her eyes and then heard the familiar British voice.

Mad Mod.

"Hello, little ducky. Isn't it a beautiful day?"

"Oh, save it," Raven scowled.

"Now, now, no need to be mean, darling," Adonis said grinning her like she was his next meal.

Raven, literally, growled at him. She sounded just like Beast Boy when he got mad and suddenly growled at the person.

"Oo, feisty. I love it."

"Now, now, no need to be taunting her...yet." Slade said as he came out of the shadows.

Raven struggled against her restraints wanting to kill him. Well, Theron then him.

"There's no way out of that, sweet Raven." Machine said showing up next to Slade.

"Not even your magic can save you, witch." Terra said coming up on his other side.

"What do you want from me?" Raven asked.

"We want to break you." Blackfire said smiling.

"Then why is Theron here?"

"Uh-uh-uh, no more questions. Why don't we show you something." Slade turned and a computer appeared. He turned it on and Raven could tell he was hacking into the Titans TV system.

Suddenly, Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Speedy, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Mas, Menos, Harold, Jericho, Jinx, Kid Flash, Argent, and Red X showed up on the screen. Wait, Red X? Raven looked at him again, Yep, he is really there.

"Hello, Titans." Slade said, Raven could just imagine him smiling under his black and orange mask.

"Slade. What do you want?" Robin demanded.

"I just though you'll like to see a friend." Slade moved out of the way, revealing Raven to them all. She had a black eye, and luckily that was all.

"Raven! Are you okay? Have they hurt you?" Beast Boy asked immediately.

"Not yet." Terra answered.

"I'm not talking to you!"

Raven rolled her eyes and still didn't speak, not trusting her voice.

"What's wrong, Raven? Don't you have something to say to your friends?" Machine said with fake concern laced in his voice.

"What am I supposed to say, you damn bastard?" Raven scowled.

"Raven, look at me and tell me you're okay." Beast Boy pleaded.

Raven looked over at him and stared into his eyes, "I'm fine, Beast Boy. Thanks for worrying."

"She won't be soon though. Not until she gives into Theron." Terra said grinning evilly.

"So that's what this is about? Theron? I'm gonna kill that bastard!" Raven yelled fighting her restraints.

"Press the button, Slade." Terra said.

"Button? What button?" Robin said getting panicked.

Slade took out a remote and pressed the single, red button.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Raven screamed in agony as pain entered her body. It was electrifying and stabbing at her skin at the same time.

"No! Stop it!" Every Titan screamed at Slade.

Raven let out a cry and tears poured slowly out of her eyes. The torture lasted for fifteen more seconds until Slade stopped it. Raven sat there with her head down and her entire body was shaking very badly.

"Please. Do not do that to friend Raven ever again." Starfire pleaded.

"Oh, would you rather I do this?" Terra said and walked up to Raven. Raven looked up at her and Terra smiled at her. She took a knife out and stabbed Raven's hand.

Raven let out a cry of pain. Tears formed in her eyes again.

"Raven! No! Stop hurting her!" Beast Boy yelled hating to see Raven look so weak.

"Aw, does it hurt, Rae-Rae?" Terra taunted.

Then Cheshire appeared in front of Raven and gestured to Terra to go away. Then she placed her long, sharp claws onto Raven's thigh. Raven looked at her and instantly knew what she was going to do. She braced herself. Then let out a cry of anguish out as Cheshire hugged her claws into Raven's thigh. Blood started to sweep out and pour all over her leg.

"All you have to do is give in to Theron, Raven." Blackfire said.

"I...rather...die." Raven said through gritted teeth.

"As you wish, but we can't kill you, oh no, we only torture. For fun."

"Please, stop hurting Raven. She doesn't deserve it!" Beast Boy said as Cheshire revealed her long, bloody claws.

"Oh, but she does. And she's gonna get it bad. Until she gives in, we'll keep on hurting her. Until she gives in. Goodbye, Titans."

Suddenly, See-more eye blasted Raven at the same time that Blackfire sent her own star bolts at her, and Mumbo sent very Joker-like cards at her that were sharp enough to cut.

"No!" Everyone on the other side of the video shouted as the transmission was cut off. The last things saw was Raven's frightened face.


Short, I know but just until I get more ideas. Sorry, bye!

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