Chapter 11

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First I just wanna say a huge thanks to all my supporters on this story. Thank you all for the votes and the encouraging comments. It's people like you all that I love to write and continue these stories. I couldn't imagine anyone better to share these ideas with. But enough with this mushiness, back the story.

Beast Boy then lost it. He unintentionally turn into a wolf and let out an agonizing howl.

"Cy, you gotta be wrong. Raven... Raven can't be dead. Cy, C'mon." Robin pleaded as he looked down at their fallen hero.

"There's no pulse! What do you want me to say?" Cyborg shouted and instantly dropped down to his knees and created a huge dent on the floor of the roof with his fists. Tears were streaming out his human eye.

"No, friend! Please, friend Raven, wake the up!" Starfire shouted as she gently but firmly shook Raven's limp body.

Meanwhile, Beast Boy felt the transformation. He didn't want to, but he felt it deep inside. He wanted out. He wanted to tear each of those villains apart. He was going to come out. He is gonna kill. Beast Boy clutched his head and tried not to let him take over, but it was no use. Especially when he saw the cause for all of this rise from the ashes and fly above them.


Beast Boy let out a roar and let the transformation happen. He knew that he had taken over completely, when he was couldn't see anything.

Theron looked down to Beast Boy and watched as he changed. Beast Boy grew several inches, his skin was replaced with dark green fur. Claws formed on his now bigger and longer hands and feet. His teeth turned into fangs and grew a couple of inches. His eyes dilated and his pupil was completely gone. Theron was amazed, and didn't even care about the danger he was in, only wondered how hard it would be to capture this creature.

The Beast (I like to call him that, since Beast Boy doesn't really realize that it's him) ran forward, avoiding everyone and then crashed into Theron, knocking them both down. The Beast landed on top and started to tear at Theron's wings with his deadly, sharp claws.

"Ahhhhh!" Theron yelled in pain. It felt as if getting your body be ripped to shreds, in a way, to him it was, since his wings are a part of him as a whole.

Then Theron remembered about the taser he had, just in case Raven had tried something. He pulled it out and started to tase the Beast.

The Beast shook and fell off Theron, due to the voltage.

"What's the matter? Not so tough, now are ya? What weakened you? That worthless piece of crap named Raven? Does it hurt that she's dead? No matter. You'll get to—"

Theron was cut off by a blast of black powers. "I assure you, I am not dead." Her voice was different, mixed with her demon side's voice.

The Beast groaned and then Beast Boy took control again. He looked up and saw Raven. Unbridled joy filled him, but so did fear when he saw how she looked.

Raven had her four, red, glowing eyes, her ears had shaped to long and pointy, just like Beast Boy's. Her teeth had sharpened, and her hair had become longer and a dark indigo color. "R-Raven?" He said cautiously.

Theron got up once again and faced Raven, "So the witch isn't dead. How grand. And so tragic! Because now, it's gonna be a painful death."

"It's going to be pure torment for you, Theron. You should know better than to mess of try to kill a spawn of a demon. Trigon's daughter at that." Raven scowled. She ignored Beast Boy and the other's worried voices and cries.

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