- Chapter V: Determintaion -

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~ Yukiji's POV ~

It took a full day but finally my neck wound had healed and thankfully Kaname changed his mind, he was going to allow Zero to stay in the day class but on the condition that he would be stopped if he were to attack me again. We all stood there as the headmaster began preparations for the spell of subjugation.

~ Zero's POV ~

I couldn't control myself...I'm afraid this will happen again and when it does...I'll end up killing that person.

~ Yukiji's POV ~

I will protect him...I'll be his Aly.

A bracelet was given to me by the headmaster and Zero's blood dripped onto it, when it touched the crest on his neck he was immobilised. I watched as Zero was pinned to the floor because of the bracelets power, the headmaster nelt down and said something to him that annoyed to the point of punching Cross then left the room. Later that night I put on my disciplinary armband and patrolled the area.

After finishing I went to my usual spot and watched Kaname from afar. Looking down to my bracelet I remembered about earlier and asked myself about how Zero must be feeling now.
So I'm the end Kaname did grant my request to let Zero stay in the day class, I'm going to protect him at any cost. I jumped down and continued my patrol.

~ Next morning ~

I was sitting in class with Zero when the bell rang while Yuki and Yori burst into the classroom. Everyone began to talk about the new ethics teacher when suddenly a person came in...and to my surprise it was the one person that I never would have imagined...it was Toga Yagari. I stood up immediately and left the classroom along with Zero and went to the one spot I would go to whenever I was feeling down, the fountain. I remembered all the times teacher would come over to train Zero and I, even...Ichiru. Since I was taken in by the Kiryu's they thought it would have been best that I learned how to use the sword found along with me all those years ago. I heard Yuki calling my name who came to find me in order to run an errand for the headmaster.

~ Later in town ~

The three of us made a pit stop at this cafe after we completed the job, we sat down and ordered something to eat. Yuki ordered a parfait, Zero a cup of coffee and I ordered latte. We were talking when Yuki said something that annoyed Zero and caused him to get up and leave the cafe, when Yuki and I got outside we decided to split up and go in different directions.

I was running through the narrow alleyways when I felt a sudden pain, blood was running from the hand that I scrapped against old railing. A level E out of the blue appeared and attacked me but in response I pulled out Benihime stabbing him, the vampire screamed in pain then rushed to me. Takuma emerged killing the level E by slicing it in half, not long after Yuki and Zero appeared. The green eyed aristocrat sheathed his sword and told us why he was here, to hunt level E vampires as well as inviting the three of us to his birthday party later in the evening and lastly Kaname wanted to talk to me.

~ Later that night ~

I stood and waited for Zero while Yuki went on ahead and when Zero did he came up to me and handed over a pistol. He then asked me to kill him using this gun if he ever lost control but I immediately responded with a no and use the spell that the headmaster taught me but he ended up walking away. When we caught up with Yuki the three of us pulled out our weapons as Aido and Akatsuki appeared. They were sent by Kaname to lead us to the party so we put our weapons away and followed the two.

As we arrived Takuma appeared, welcoming and thanking us for coming to his party and apologised if he had wasted our time in doing so. I then excused myself and made my way to Kaname so we could talk, I found him as he singled for me to come over. At first I was hesitant but I walked over despite it. I sat next to him and he then took my hand gently asking if he could see the injury, he rolled up the sleeve a bit then took off the bandages and healed it instantly. Looking over to Zero I could see the look in his eyes, he was angry and stormed off so I apologised to Kaname and ran after him leaving Yuki behind.

Once I caught up to him I could see the was in pain so I walked over to Zero and noticed the blood tablets then came to the conclusion that he was unable to take them, he placed both hands on my shoulders breathing heavily.

"I've tried taking them...I've tried so many times..."

In that instant he lost control and gave into his vampiric instincts, Zero licked my neck and as he was about to bite me I mustered all my strength plunging us both into the water. While under the frosty water Zero was able to regain control, grabbed my arm and pulling us both up to the surface gasping for air. The next thing I heard was a loud bang, Zero had been shot and bleeding in the water.

~ To be continued ~

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