- Chapter VIII: Maria Kurenai -

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~ Yuki's POV ~

Pushing back the day class girls I could not help but think back to yesterday...Yukiji and Zero both hunt vampires...

I looked towards Yukiji who was also having trouble with the girls when the moon dormitory gates opened. As usual the girls cleared the way allowing the night class students to walk through, they then went out of control and ran in the direction of the night class pushing me along with them. Hanabusa grabbed me then closed the door.

~ Later at night ~

~ Yukiji's POV ~

The headmaster asked to talk to me, it was about a new transfer student. He wanted me to show them around campus. I entered the office and soon after there was a knock on the door, the transfer student who I presumed had walked in.

"Good evening."

I looked at her...something felt off about Maria, it's as if I've met her before but I'm certain I haven't.

"Good evening Maria, I would like you to meet Yukiji."

"How do you do."

Maria compliment me in a weird way, she said I looked healthy and delicious. The headmaster then got playfully angry and scolded Maria, she then apologised and we both walked out into the courtyard to show her around.

~ Later ~

I walked Maria into the building where the night class were having their studies when she suddenly stopped and said that transferring to Cross Academy was scary, that the other vampires would not accept someone as frail as her. I looked to her and reassured her not to worry about that because the dorm president and Vice President were nice.

"Thank you Yukiji, I really...do love being with girls like you." She spoke while hugging me.

Maria then walked off and into the classroom.

~ Maria's POV ~

"Heh...this class looks like fun...say, shouldn't this class have started already?"

"Who...the hell are you?"

I looked at the blond boy and flew over to him.

"The hell? Excuse me boy, you think you can talk to me like that?"

He got scared the. Kaname approached.

"I believe that it is the new students duty to introduce themselves...right, Maria Kurenai?"

"If I have upset you please forgive me Lord Kaname...I can't believe I finally get to meet a pureblood, this makes me so happy."

The other vampires were surprised.

"A pleasure to meet you."

"Ah...I'm sorry I think I have made everyone a little uncomfortable...perhaps it's best that I come back another time."

I spoke while closing the door.

~ Yukiji's POV ~

I watched Zero and Yuki from afar when I felt a disturbing presence...the same one from earlier. I looked to see Maria who was approaching Zero and Yuki, it made me feel uncomfortable. Zero pulled bloody rose from his jacket and aimed it at Maria when Yuki jumped in front of her. Zero hesitated while Maria apologised for what she had done while hiding behind Yuki then introduced herself to the both of them, Zero then put his gun back and walked away.

~ Next morning ~

I was walking alongside Yuki, Yori and Zero, we were talking about how busy it had been lately since the ball was coming up soon. We then started talking about the upcoming exams when the class president appeared.

"The ball is a Cross Academy tradition and the class which scores the lowest on the exams has to work the ball that year...I am very worried Yuki because unlike Yukiji it's because of you that lets down our class every year! The ball is a precious official event in which both the day class and the night class attend and if I don't get to dance with Ruiz this year...I'LL HOLD A GRUDGE AGAINST YOU FOR LIFE!"

The class president ran away, Yuki then started to worry about the exams when all the girls got excited because Maria and Takuma were walking around. Yuki was about to go after them when Zero grabbed her arm and told her to stay away from the transfer student but ignored him anyway. Hanabusa then appeared...

"Yukiji...good afternoon."

Hanabusa walked up to me hugging me from behind, I asked him what he was doing up during the day.

"The jealous girls will grow mad with envy and bully you from now on..."

He let go of me when Zero told him off. He then asked Hanabusa if he had some time because he wanted to talk to him about something, my guess? It would have been about Maria. Hanabusa agreed and the two of them walked off.

~ Zero's POV ~

"I want to know something, is Maria Kurenai somehow related to that woman?"

"That woman?"


"What insolence...you do realise that you just referred to a pureblood without using the proper honorific...but I understand...after all she is the one who butchered yours and Yukiji's family...alright, the Kurenai and the Hio had a shared ancestry for a very long time but that's it."

"One more question...no one has been able to track that woman down for four years and that's because her appearance has changed hasn't it?"

"I don't know anything about that, only purebloods themselves know all the powers that they possess...but what's more important is what you sense about her and I would like to hear that from you."

"Why do you want to know that?"

"You are the only one that would know...and that is because you...have a blood bond with her..."

~ Maria's POV ~

"Looking at me with your sad eyes...your older brother has become quite cute...you shouldn't get upset over this...and Besides...aren't you happy to see your adoptive sister again after all this time? Keep an eye on her my faithful servant..."

~ To be continued ~

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