- Chapter VII: The first hunt -

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~ Yukiji's POV ~

I was walking down the hallway that lead to the headmasters office, he wanted to talk to me for some reason. I pushed open the door seeing Zero and the letter he had in hand...

"So...the hunters association has a job for us?"

The headmaster nodded and said that it was an order for both Zero and I. That letter is an order given to hunters...it indicates the targets name and crimes they committed, to put it simply...who they killed. I accepted the order and made my way out of the office while asking Zero to meet me at the front gate in a few minutes. I ran back to my dorm, rummaging through my wardrobe and fished out my long jacket. Afterwards I took Benihime in hand and looked at her for a few moments taking deep breaths at the same time, feeling ready I strapped my sword to the left of me and made my way to the front gate. Upon arriving at the gate Zero was already there waiting for me, we then proceeded on our way.

~ Yuki's POV ~

While walking I noticed Zero and Yukiji walking out of the school gates, wondering where they were going I decided to skip class and follow them without noticing me.

~ Yukiji's POV ~

We arrived walking through the front door following Zero up the stairs, I continued to follow him all the way to the end of the hallway. Upon entering we saw the level E holding an unconscious girl in his arms, Zero aimed bloody rose at the vampire.

"Four teenage girls have wound up dead...you wouldn't know anything about that?"

The level E admitted to the killings, he went on and on about how much he enjoyed it then attacked Zero and disappeared in the process. I ran out the door following the vampire while Zero followed behind.

~ Yuki's POV ~

Gunshots? Oh no, Yukijiand Zero! I ran inside and saw a vampire sitting on the stairs, he said something that scared me so in response I pulled out Artemis but then Senri along with Rima appeared placing his hand on my head telling me to move away. Senri bit his finger and blood poured out forming a whip, he then started attacking the vampire but he kept dodging until he vanished, I decided to run after him.

~ Yukiji's POV ~

I ran down the stairs chasing after the level E when I heard all the commotion from the ground floor, with Benihime in hand I kept running until I heard the ground below me start to shake and break from below, the level e emerged.

"I guess you'll be number two today so don't be scared...I promise to be gentle."

Before he came any closer I raced towards him while stabbing him with my sword, the next thing I heard was a loud bang and Zero walked next to me and with his dying breath the level E spoke.

"I guess...this means I will finally stop killing people."

Zero fired bloody rose and the vampire turned to dust scattering into the wind, Yuki including Senri and Rima appeared white the girl on his shoulder. Thankfully the girl was still alive but as I was thinking this Yuki walked up to me and hugged me.

"You and Zero had me so worried."

She let go of me.

"I'm sorry...I'll try not to make you so worried in the future."

Yuki continued to look at me, at the same time I could feel an unsettling presence and turned around to look out the window only to see an owl?

~ Unknown POV ~

"Heh...I found Zero, his eyes are so sad it's wonderful, I'm so glad he's become such a handsome looking boy...then there's that girl whom I have not seen either in four years. Hmm, it's decided...I'll be going to Cross Academy too."

~ To be continued ~

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