Newt- Saving you

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For FionaB11

(Nessa's P.O.V.)
"Come on, wake up. Bloody wake up already. Look at me, please. Nessa! NESSA!"

*The night before*
"Hey." Newt said as he sat down beside me. I looked up and smiled at him. "You okay?" Newt asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." I said, looking back down at my hands. "You know were gonna get out of here, right? We'll find The Right Arm."

"I know," I answered. I gave him a smile then turned my head as it faded.

"Come on, what's wrong?" Newt asked. "Nothing," I lied. "Nessa." Newt persisted. "I just... I just feel like this is never gonna end. Like the maze. We escaped, but we didn't really. Now we're in the scorch and we're trying to find The Right Arm. What if they're not real. What if we never find them. What if—"

Newt cut me off and pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around me. He held me in his arms for awhile before pulling away. I didn't even realize I was crying until Newt wiped away some of my tears.

I suddenly felt safe. I didn't want to leave Newt's arms.

"We're gonna find them, okay?" Newt said, his hand on the side of my face. He put his other hand on top of mine and rubbed his thumb against my skin. I nodded then smiled, this time keeping it.

Newt smiled back then moved his hand from my face. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I felt like Newt was the only thing keeping me alive right now.

"Come on, let's go back over with the others." Newt said. "Okay." I said, standing up and following behind him.


The next morning was worse than the day before. There was a lot of wind which caused a lot of sand to blow everywhere. It was almost impossible to see anything. And there was also the scorching heat.

We walked for hours in that sand storm. It took forever for the wind to slow down, but even then it was still windy enough to blow the sand around.

"You doing okay?" Newt asked me. I didn't realize he was walking beside me. "Yeah. You?" I asked. "Yeah, just a little sand in my eyes... And everywhere else." Newt said, making me laugh. He always made me laugh.

We continued walking for a few more hours until the sun started to go down. The wind had finally stopped and the heat wasn't so bad anymore.

We found a good place to stop for the day and started working on making a fire.

I sat down by the fire and not long after Newt sat down beside me. "You feeling any better than you were last night?" Newt asked me. "Yeah... as long as I'm with you." I said, looking up at Newt.

He smiled at me then stared into my eyes for awhile. I really wanted him to lean forward and kiss me. He looked like he was about to, but before he could do anything, there was a loud screeching sound.

"What the hell was that?" Someone said. Newt and I both stood up, searching for what made that sound.

All the sudden we saw a group of cranks running towards us. Newt grabbed me and started pulling me with the others.

We started running the opposite way but somehow some of the cranks were fast enough to catch up to us. Some of the others stopped running and tried to fight the cranks. I looked back and saw one of the cranks attacking Minho.

"We have to help him." I said running back towards them. "Nessa, no! You're gonna get yourself killed." Newt yelled, grabbing my arm and stopping me.

"If we don't help them then Minho's gonna get killed." I said, trying to pull myself out of Newt's grip.

"They'll take care of Minho. Come on, we gotta keep going or they'll catch up to us. I'm not gonna let you get hurt so let's go." Newt yelled.

I hesitated for a moment then started running again, Newt still latched onto my arm.

We weren't running for long until something grabbed me from behind, pulling me out of Newt's grip. I screamed as I hit the ground and a crank jumped on top of me.

"Nessa!" Newt yelled as he ran back towards me. He tried to push the crank off me but struggled. The crank was too strong.

I screamed in pain as the crank pressed his nails into my skin, making it bleed. Newt kicked the crank and knocked it off me. He quickly grabbed me off the ground before it could get back up.

"Nessa, you have to run. Go!"

"No I'm not going without you." I said, grabbing Newt's arm. "NESSA!" Newt yelled. He tried to grab me but it was too late. The crank grabbed me and threw me back against the ground. This time hitting my head on the ground and knocking me out...


"Come on, wake up. Bloody wake up already. Look at me, please. Nessa! NESSA!"

I felt my body shaking but I couldn't open my eyes. I wanted to but I couldn't. I felt myself slowly drifting back into the darkness but something was keeping me from doing that.

"Nessa, please." I heard Newt's voice.

I was fighting so hard and trying to wake up. I wanted to see Newt and hear his voice again.

My eyes shot open and I gasped for breath as my body jolting upwards. I saw Newt sitting on the ground beside me with tears in his eyes. He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me so tight I could barely breathe.

"Newt, I cant breathe." I said. Newt loosened his grip but kept his arms around me. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy that you're alive. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I laid my head on Newt's shoulder and closed my eyes, trying to hold back my tears. I was so happy to be alive and in Newt's arms. I was in love with him so much.

"Newt... I love you so much." I said tears escaping from my eyes.

Newt pulled away from me and smashed his lips against mine.

"Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you to do that?" I said after Newt pulled away from me. Newt pressed his forehead against mine and smiled.

"I love you more than anything else in the whole world." Newt said. I smiled then pressed my lips to Newt's. My head was pounding but I didn't care. I wanted Newt more than anything else.

A/N: I hope you liked it FionaB11 and sorry for taking so long on it.

Requests are on hold right now (except for anyone who requested months ago) but they will be open again soon!

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