Newt- Nightmares (Part 2)

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For kaylah-Marie

(Kaylah's P.O.V.)
~One year later~

It had been a long day and the sun was finally starting to go down. I saw Newt leaning against one of the trees, staring at the maze doors. I smiled then quickly made my way over to him

"Hey, Newt." I said, taking his hand in mine. "Wanna go for a walk?" I asked. "Where? There's no where to go."

"Just around the glade. I thought it would be fun."

"Sure." Newt finally agreed. Newt and I walked quietly for awhile before I decided to break the silence.

"So, how was your day today?" I asked. There really wasn't much else to talk about when you were trapped inside a maze.

"Fine." Newt answered, staring down at the ground as we walked. Something seemed off. Newt wasn't acting like himself.

"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't do anything. Nothing's wrong. My day was fine, I'm fine. Everything's fine." Newt said, his voice getting louder with every word he said. Something was definitely wrong.

I stopped walking and stared at him. He stopped but wouldn't make any eye contact with me.

"Newt, look at me." He ignored me and kept staring at the ground. "What's wrong?"

"Everything!" Newt shouted, taking me off guard. "I've tried. I've tried to pretend that everything's okay, but it's not. Everything is back to where it started. And I didn't want you to know because you're finally okay. And-"

"Newt what are talking about?' I asked, his words confusing me. "Kaylah, I think my depression is back." Newt and I stared at each other for the longest time. Neither of us knew what to say.

Newt sighed then took my arm and pulled me over to a more private spot.

"Remember when you were having those nightmares? Every night?" Newt asked. "Yeah." I answered. "But you're the reason I stopped having them, Newt. You cured my anxiety. If you let me I could probably help you too."

"It's not that simple," Newt sighed. "When you finally stopped having them, I started to. And then it caused my depression to some back... I have to get out of here, Kaylah. It's driving me insane."

"Why didn't you tell me. We're supposed to talk to each other. We both promised we wouldn't keep secrets a long time ago." I said, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"I could've been helping you this entire time, before it got worse. But you decided this on your own. I know this is a hard time for you, I understand that, but it's like you don't even want help. It's like you want to suffer. And if that's the case... then I can't help you."

I looked at Newt and could see the tears forming in his eyes. I didn't want to make things worse than they already were, but he did this to himself. I wiped the tears off my face then walked away from Newt, leaving him all alone...


I slowly opened my eyes as the sunlight blinded me. I laid there for a minute until I remembered everything thing that happened last night. I jumped up and immediately started searching for Newt.

I looked over at his hammock and started panicking when I realized it was empty.

I started searching the whole glade. I looked everywhere and he was no where to be found. The maze doors were still closed so he couldn't have been out there. Where the hell was he?

I decided to search the woods again. And then I remembered, our favorite spot. I could I forget to look there.

I ran as fast as I could, out to the woods where the biggest tree was. That was were we had our first kiss.

I stopped running as a wave of relief hit me. There sat Newt, leaning back against the tree. I walked over and sat down beside him, neither of us saying a word for several minutes.

"Newt, I'm really sorry about what I said last night-"

"No. Don't apologize. You were right. I should've told you everything, and I'm really sorry I didn't. I just... I didn't know how to tell you. Everything was going so well with us, and you... I didn't want you to be disappointed with me, like you were last night."

"Newt, I was only disappointed with you because you didn't tell me sooner. You can't keep things from me... We'll get through this, okay."

"Okay." Newt said, looking down at the ground. I wrapped my arms around Newt and hugged him, trying to comfort him the best I could.

"I love you so much, Newt."

"I love you, too. I don't know what I'd do wihtout you."

"Well, I know I'd be lost without you." I said, smiling at him. Newt laughed then pressed his lips to mine.

A/N: I won't be updating this Saturday because I have dress rehearsal for my dance recital that day. So I won't be posting anything new until next Tuesday.

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