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I let out a scream and grabbed the persons hand, I stood quickly and tripped them flipping them off my shoulder. Hearing a thud and groan I stood victoriously and the person spoke "Damn it, you hear someone screaming for help, try to help them and end up on the ground with possible bone fractures. Well done Ntando"

Shit is that "Ntando?" I ask walking to the person "yeah, why'd you run into this building sisi uyayazi uba yavalwa (sisi you know it was shut down)" he says standing up. I search my self hoping to findmy phone then I remember its broken, with a sigh I ask him "Why was it shut down?"

"Where are you going? Your late already or you want to bunk. Is is definetly the place to go." He says walking to the exit I hope. I follow behind him "I'm going to physics key 1 Mr uhm...(long pause) i *nervous giggle* i uh forgot but he's in the uh....the-" "You don't know do you?" He asks with a light chuckle at the end

"Yeeeeah....I don't c-could you uh you know maybe help me please?" I say

"No way, after flipping me like that nahh I'm off." He says pushing doors open and walks out fast to the opposite side I cam e from and the light from outside comes straight for my eyes blinding me more. "Wha-wh-what no please I n-need to go to class i-i-ive ne-nev-ver b-b-b-bunked c-c-clas-ss" oh yippy the stutter is back and a few tears too "I'm joking *laughs* i m jok-hey hey I'm joking for real I'll help you to class no need to cry" he says turning around coming towards me

"I'm n-not cr-cry-i-ng" embarrassment 💀 "Sure your not. May I see your time table please" all of a sudden he's kind and tall, he's really tall. I pull out my file because I put my timetable in ti, handing it to him he examines it. "Shit! Skip the class." He says looking at my timetable. "N-no way I've never skipped or bunked class before, a-a-an-nd besides I still have time. These classes are are really long so I have time to catch some of the notes and i-i-i mean I could ask someone in th-e-e class to le-e-en-nd me their notebooks so-"

He cuts me "Let me stop you there baby girl. You are going to have to skip this class if you don't want to be in Hergelat's bad books. You got 28 minutes left of class"

"And I'll make it if we stop talking and you just show me where to go" I say and he gives me a look "pleeease..." I add "what ever its your death." He starts walking "Are you coming?" He asks when he sees I've not moved "yeah" I day rushing to his side. We walk in silence past the rugby field and into a block that looks extremely new. He leads the way up 2 flights of stairs and down the corridor. He stops in front of a black door written physics key 1 Mr Hergelat.

"You have arrived. Good luck and uh see you later ?" He says turning to walk away "Wait!" I whisper yell "I gotta go, got you to your class like you asked what more do you want" he snaps. "No need to be rude dude. Uhm, you don't mind knocking for me right and uh nothing no it's fine I got it from here. You can go" I say after the look he gave me I'll just freeze up by myself

"No its cool I'll knock" he says turning to me and raising his fist to knock "no there's no need really I'll do it" I say trying yo stop him by trying to pull down his arm. Dude is seriously tall and strong "what are you doing?" He asks seeing me try key word is try to pull his hand down "I got this you can go now. " Just às he was about to respond the door opened and behind it stood a tall white man dressed formally like too formal for a teacher.

"What is the meaning of this disturbance" he asks looking at both Ntando and i. Mind you I'm standing on my tippy toes holding his arm and he's looking down at me. This wouldn't be bad if we were any other people in this school but alas he is Ntando Majola and I'm Yandise-okuhle Mthethwa. "Uhm..." I say letting go of Ntando's arm standing on my feet's

"Mr Hergelat, this is Yandise-okuhke your new learner. I was assisting her in locating your class room because she's new and does not know the school very well" Ntando says staring at Mr Hergelat. They are both the same height and I'm a smurf next to them. "Really now Mr Majola" Mr hergelat asks "yes sir"

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