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It's early in the morning, around 04:00am. I have not been able to sleep, worry is etched in my mind and heart. I got up and had a bowl of coco pops thinking that it would somewhat calm me down. It instead made me nauseated. 

"Manje? Wahlala ebumnyameni yindaba? (And now? You are sitting in the dark?)"

"Ntsika." I turned to him. He sat besides me and pulled me into his shoulder. "Talk to your older brother. Kwenzakalani? (What's going on?)"

"I'm stressed. Worried and seriously frightened."

"Hawu why?"

"What will people say?" He pulled me away from him, turned to face me and held both my hands. "You are a Mthethwa. That means you will always be in the spotlight be it for good or bad. People will always talk. You are gonna have to learn to tune them out. I can't teach you to do so because my way and your way are different. You got this marshmallow. Believe me." We hugged for some time.

"Okay, let me go bath." I stoody up and stretched. "I'll make your lunch" I immediately turned to look at him, my eyebrows high up my forehead. "What! Wena bhuti?"

"Yebo. Mina."

"Hmmm. I fear for my life." I laughed when he threw the pillow at me. I threw it back to him and ran upstairs, screaming my lungs out. "Haai! Umsindo!"

"Sorry Baba." I entered my room and got my bed made. I proceeded to get my school uniform ready and at around 06:50 am, I got into the shower. It was nearly half past seven when I finished everything. I grabbed the lunch that my brother made for me and jumped in the car with Sandile.

"Wuuuu yazi ikuphathe ngamawashing lendaba. (Oh my this issue has you by the balls)" I turned to him in question. "You are listening to maskandi?"

"Ohh, haai it's fine. I don't mind."

"I am seriously worried." He slowed down a bit. "okay but I don't wanna be late." I lightly punched his arm. "Haai you are hurting me."

"You're a man moc. You'll be fine."

"You are a young lady. Stay strong Mthethwa." He parked the car. It felt like all eyes were on us. I grabbed my back from my feet, opened the door and exited the car. "Bye baby sis."

"Bye big bother." I shut the door and began what felt like the walk of shame. I held my head high as I entered the school. Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me. "Haai! What you've never seen a famous person before?" That was Anelisa shouting at everyone.

"Oh yeah we've seen famous people. We are just curious as to why they let a jail bird in the school. Guess they've really let their standards down." Buhlebendalo said.

"If you have nothing nice to say, shut it." Unathi  fired back.

"Mmmm so just because you have a friend from juvenile, you expect us to be okay with it?! No ways!"

"Shut it Buhlebendalo!" Nando's voice said, coming through to the crowd that had formed around us. "Are you okay?" He asks me, his hand came to lay on my shoulder in a way of showing his compassion. I nod, though uncertain. Our eyes connect and we have an unspoken connection.

"Haai Ntando!" She pulls him roughly from me, "You can't seriously be on her side!" She turns to me with hatred in her eyes. "You may have everyone on your side now. But mark my words! You will fall!" She pushes through the crowd as she walks off.

"So much drama in the morning! Yh-"

"Get to class, get to class now!" A teacher hurries down the halls as everyone scatters to class. "Siza ncokola ngo break vah? (We'll talk during break time.)" Nelly pats my back in a comforting manner then walks away. I turn away, trying to keep it together.

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