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It felt right to do this idk y but it just did so.



Ashley is Harry Potter younger sister, she was 2 month old when her parents died. When she went to Hogwarts, Harry was in his second year and she was sorted into Slytherin. The years at Hogwarts where like a rollercoster for her and her brother but they manged to get through it. 


Draco is the 2nd oldest of four, born on June 5th. He was in Harry's year during his time at Hogwarts and everything seem to be going well. Until year 6 came round and he was giving th worst thing a 16 year old could get. Even through-out this he manged to keep the girl he love since the first day she started school, a year under him. 


Mattheo is the only son of Lord Voldemort. He to was in Harry's year at school, Ashley was one of his best friends through-out. He's life began to fall apart near the end of Year 4 when his father had risen. He began to fall for Delilah and they became a couple soon enough. Even though life got tough for him, he still manage to be there for his best friend.


Theodore was the youngest of 3. He's been Draco's best friend for as long as he can remember. He and Ashley we a couple during her first year at Hogwarts, but shortly ended when he found a new girl. When the Dark Lord had risen Nott went into hiding in fear of his life. When the war ended Draco asked him to join him in the Mafia which he agreed.


Harry was the oldest out of the 2. He was almost one when their parents died. When his sister was sorted into Slytherin, he wasn't mad and stood by her. He didnt agree with her choice in men neither.


Delilah was in Ashley's year in Hogwarts and were immedantly friends. They stood by each others side all the way through school. Her and Mattheo became a couple half way through school and still stood by then. If only the same could be said for Ash.


Talia again was in Ashley's year but was sorted into Gryffindor. They weren't ever until her and Harry started dating. Talia was from a rich family and most people in gryffindor feared her and wonder why she wasnt in Slytherin.


Morgan is a bitch. Know on know how she was placed in Gryffindor. Everyone hated her, she tried to ruin everyone relationship by steering up rumurs to get what she wanted. She was in a relationship with Theodore Nott but it ended quickly when she cheated on him.




I left Scorp blank on purpose so please forgive me.


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