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I sat on the edge of my bed holding the pregnancy test in my hands. Recently i've be feeling hungrier than usual and been sick almost every morning. Draco's been distant lately as well but I don't blame him, he did lost his mother during the war. It was horrible, everyone lost someone. How could someone do that, just kill innocent people without hesitation. Draco's mother was like the mother I wish I had.

She was beautiful, talented, loving and kind. After the war, Mcgonigal found a spell that was able to rebuild Hogwarts. Draco was relived Voldemort didn't kill me, it started with a kiss but it turned into something more. It was different than our other times though, this was slow and had more meaning. Anyway I looked down at the pregnancy test to see the result.


I couldn't believe my eyes I was actually pregnant. The dream me and Draco made together is finally coming true. Obviously we wanted to have kids after school but this is incredible. I quickly grabbed my jacket off the door and ran through the corridors with the test hidden in my hands. I ran through the halls trying to find Draco, my head being over ran by questions.

What if he doesn't want it?

Will he still love me?

Will he make me get rid of it?

 As i rounded a corner, my heart stopped. I found Draco but he was kissing another girl. A girl i've never seen before. Who is she?  

"Draco?" My voice was merely a whisper but i managed to catch there attention. He pulled away from her and his face dropped when he saw me but it straightened up immediantly.

"Go away" He seethed, not even looking me in they eyes.

"But I-"

"Did you not hear me? Go away you filthy little Half-blood" He spat. I couldn't believe the venom that was spilling from his mouth. After everything me and him had been through this i the payment i get. I quickly ran back in the direction i came from, tears spilling from my eyes. I was finally going to give him what he wanted and he left me to rot. Fair enough he doesn't know but I tried telling him. I ran all the way you to the Astronomy tower and stayed there for the rest of the day.


Night had fell and i was still up at the Astronomy tower. The tears still falling from my eyes.

What did i do wrong?

I thought he loved me?

I hear voices at the bottom of the stair so I quickly wiped my tears away and hide the test in my pocket. The voices got louder, i turned my head to see the only people I can rely on in this world.

Mattheo Riddle and Delilah Malfoy

"Oh there you are Ash we've been worried sick" Lily said, running over and giving me a hug.

"Why are you up here?" Theo asked me. I hesitated at first but i realized i could trust them.

"You have to swear you wont tell Draco?" I made the swear

"I promise" They sworn in sync

"I'm pregnant" I blatantly told them, pulling out the test and handing it to them.

"Ash this is amazing but why can't we tell Draco?" Lily asked

"Cause he doesn't want me. I saw him kissing another girl and when he saw me he he told me to 'go away you filthy little Half-blood'" I explained.

"Oh Ash, you didn't deserve that."Theo hugged me once more.

"So what are you going to do?" Lily asked once more.

"Well Harry's heard that Draco's setting up a Mafia so he's doing the same and asked me to be Partnered bosses with him so ill have support" I explained. Again.

"Well no matter what we'll be there to support you" Theo told me.

"Yeah but that's gonna be hard since we already agree to join Draco" Lily said to Theo.

"Well i dont care I will always be by Ash's side no matter what side she's on"

And he was.


Yes short chapter but its just an little explanation as to why there split so yeah



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