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Mature content


Ashley Potter

As I walked into Scorps room, I saw him wrapped up in his favourite car blanket in his ferret pjs. I saw his bags were packed in the corner of the room. I wanted to give him more time to rest as he hand slept for a week. I grabbed his bags and carried them to the stair where Draco was standing.

"Put these in the car, i'm going to grab some of my clothes then we can leave." I told him, handing the three duffel bang and a suitcase to him

"Where Scorpious" He asked, stopping me in my tracks.

"He still asleep, im giving him a little long since he hasnt slept in a week. No thank to you of course." I smiled sarcastically at him and made my way to my room. I grabbed a bag out of my closet and put as many clothes as i could fit into. I left the bag at the top of the stair as I walked back into Scorps room.

"Scorp, it time to wake up baby" I shook him lightly as he stired in his sleep. He opened his eyes and immediantly jumped in my arms.

"Mama!" He yelled. My heart swelled knowing I had my baby back in my arms. "You're back, are you okay?"

"Yes, love, i'm fine." I answered. "I've missed you so much Scorp"

"Not as much as i've miss you, Mama" I kissed his little button nose before pulling away. "Freddy and Georgie said your were taking me to a new house?"

"Yes dear" I picked him up and carried him down the stairs. Draco was standing on his phone when I picked up my bag asnd walked down. He only look at us when we reached him. He looked like he was in shock that i was telling the truth. Scorp was the spit and double of Draco. "Were ready to go" 

I followed Draco out the door as Scorp nessed his head in my neck. "Mama?"

"Yes baby?"

"Who's the boy the look like me but older?" He whispered in my ear.

"Your remember when you asked me what a dad was?" I started waiting for an answer. He nodded in my neck. "Well that your dad. Dads are kinda like Mama's but only a boy version"

"So i have a boy Mama and a girl Mama?" I asked. I sat him down in the back seat and pulled the seat belt over him. I smiles at his answer.

"Yes Scorp you have a boy Mama and a girl Mama" I gave im a quick peck on the check. I stare back at the manour, see Harry at the door, waving him goodbye I climbed into the back seat next to Scorp. Draco looked at me strangly through the mirror but shrugged it off has he drove of, with more precaution this time.


Once we arrived back to Draco's manor, Scorp had fell back asleep in the car. I unbuckled him carefully and carried him into the house. I walked in to see Theo and Lily waiting for us. Lily jolted up the moment she heard the door open as well as Theo. She ran over to me and was about to squeal until she noticed he was asleep. "Oh he's asleep" She said with disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah, he might not be awake till tomorrow. He hasn't been sleeping properly so" I explained. to her. She nodded in agreement, moving his hair out of his face. Draco walked in with both bags looking flustered.

"Fucking hell" He huffed. "Did you bring the whole fucking manor"

"Hey it not all clothes you know. All of his toys are their as well" I told him.

"How many does he fucking own?"

"Oh to many to count" Theo answered, coming up behind me. "You should let him sleep with you for a few day before putting him in his own room, since all this is new"

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