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Caution: Blood, Rape, Torture


Ashley Potter

The smell of damp filled my nose. I rubbed my eyes slightly, taking in my surrounding's. I was in a basement. Scorpius. I jumped up from where i was only to be brought back down by the chain's holding me down. They set off an alarm and moments later guards walked and behind them a person i never expected to do this. Harry.

"Harry?" I questioned.

"Ah, Ashley, your awake." He gleemed.

"Harry why am i here? I need to get to Scorp" I pleased with him.

"Oh Scorp will be fine, once your both back home anyway." He shrugged.

"Harry, i'm not coming home. I'm back with Draco." I told him. He scrunched his face in disgust. He didn't like that.

"Oh you will." He pointed his wand towards me "Crucio" A painful scream left my throat. It felt like my arms and legs were being pulled from my body.

"I will ask again. Come home"

"N...never" I whimpered in pain.

"Sectumsempra" I jumped up this time. I knew this spell. Harry used this on Draco in year 6. Invisible knife's sliced my body, Tears fell uncontrollably down my cheeks.

"One. Last. Time. Come. Home" He spat in my face. I couldn't move. "N...n...no"

"Fine. I didn't want to do this Ashley." He stood back and spoke to one of his guards. He walked out, as did everyone else. Everyone apart from that guard. I hear his belt fall the the floor. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why, Harry why? I heard his trousers fall to the ground. Before i knew it my body was being dragged towards. I released a scream but was shortly cut off when his hand when to my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up you traitorous bitch" He spoke, ripping my underwear and shoving himself inside me. Pain. It was painful. He set his pace, ramming himself in and out of me. I tried to push him away from me but i didn't work. He took his spare hand and pinned my hands above my head and continued. I still had my legs and feet free so i tried kicking him off of me. But i didn't work. He slapped my leg harshly earning me too squeal out in pain. Tear fell down my face and I felt a liquid run down my legs. Blood. Blood was running down my legs and the speed of him ramming into me. Suddenly i felt his liquid coat my wall before he pulled out. He put his trouser's back on and walked out. Crying, i crawled into a ball and stayed in the corner of the room.


I don't know how long it's been since that guard was in here but i hadn't move. No-one had came  to see me at all, until now. The door opened and I slightly flinched. 

"Oh sorry about that" They spoke. "I cant be here long, but i just thought you might be a little hungery or thirst." I looked up and saw Talia standing there with some water and food in her hands. I nodded and she sat by me, handing my the plate.

"Thank you" I whispered, unable to speak cause of the amount of crying i'd done.

"Don't worry about it. Also i did let Morgan out a few days ago" She told me.

"It's alright." I said drinking my water.

"Sorry i cant stay long, i've got to go" And with that she left.


Gunshot. Multiple gunshots could be heard from upstairs. Shouting could be heard as well, non that could be recognized though. There was three more, a pause, then another before i heard running down the hallway to where i was. Harry. Harry was coming for me. The swung up and i ducked my head. "P...p...please don't hurt me Harry, Please" I begged

"Don't worry, love, he's gone. Come on lets get you to St. Mungo's" Draco said picking me up. I sought to speak but i could. I was too weak of the blood I left. He apperated me to St. Mungo's i believed before the doctor injected me with something and i blacked out.


I squinted my eyes and the sudden light reflecting onto me. I sat up and took in my surrounding's I was in St. Mungo's. A tube was flowing from a machine into my wrist. A drip. "Oh your awake now" Said one of the nurse's.

"Yeah it think so anyway" I laughed a little. She laughed too. 

"Um your son is in the children's ward with your boyfriend if you would like me to walk you there Miss" She informed me.

"Um yes please" I answered.

"As a precaution. You son's in critical condition so unfortunately he's unconscious" She added.

"But he's okay?"

"It's unclear at the moment but please follow me." She led me to the children's ward where she opened the door. Around the bed were hundred's o machine's as well as Delilah, Mattheo and  Draco.

"Ashley, your awake" Draco said, standing up. I nodded, keeping my eyes on Scorp. He's so small. He doesn't deserve this. "Ash, we need to talk. I know who did this" My eye quickly darted to him as he nodded outside. Once outside he explained everything to how Harry confessed in trying to kill Scorpius with no mercy to then kill Harry himself.

"Thank you" I said.

"It's okay. So are you ready to explain what happened to you?" He asked

"It's hard to explain, so i'll let you look into my mind and see." I answered. He did as i asked and once he was done he looked mortified. He ran over to me and held me close to him.

"Miss Potter?" The nurse spoke. "We've got your test result back and i'm here to congratulate you."

I looked at Draco in confusion before looking back at the nurse. "Im sorry?"

"Your pregnant" She announced. Wow. I'm pregnant. Draco couldn't seem happier. He was finally going to be apart of something he missed with Scorpius. We were both speachless.

But just as Draco went to speak. Scorp machine started beeping.



2+Epilogue chapter left.

Im not going to say anything


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