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Caution: Murder, mentions of blood, torture.


Draco Malfoy

"ASHLEY WAIT" I yelled toward the brunette running into the crowd. I tried to chase after her but people kept running in my way.


Another one. That wasn't too far from me. A blood curdling scream roared across the room. "Ashley!?" I whispered to myself. Running toward the scream, I sight I wish i never saw was there. My son laying in his own pool of blood. But no Ashley. I ran towards Scorpius, whisking him up in my arms and running him out the door. I apperated to St. Mungo's, rushing him straight to the children ward where he was taken straight into surgery to remove the bullet lodged in his ribs.

"Please help him, please." I heard Delilah speak. I ran to the waiting room to see her standing there in tears as Mattheo was laying unconscious on a bed being rushed into surgery like Scorpius. 

"Lilah?" I whispered loud enough for her to hear. She saw me and quickly ran straight into my arm. I wrapped them around her immediately,

"Draco... Mattheo had Scorpius... gunshots... he ran off... Theo ran after him... they shot him.... I don't-" She cried out.

"Shush, it's alright. Scorp's in surgery" I told her "There's a bullet lodged in his left lung, puncturing it slightly" 

"Oh no" She cried harder into my chest. God. This was painful. "What about Ashley? Where is she? Is she with him?"

"I don't know. She ran into the crowd looking for Scorpius. I heard her scream and when i ran to where i heard her, i only saw Scorp not her." I answered

"So they took her? Why? Who would do that?" Then it hit me. Yesterday, Ashley told me about her conversation with Harry.

"Harry" I answer. "Delilah, stay here if there any news ring me. I'm going to get Ashley."She nodded and apperated out of St. Mungo's , home. 

"Draco, where the fuck did you go?" Blaise question. "Harry mafia just came in here and fucking killed half the guest's"

"I fucking knew it. Blaise grab Nott, Pucey, Flint, Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson. Tell them to grab as many guns, bullet's and Armour. Were going to get Ashley" I demanded. He nodded and ran to get them as i ran to my office grabbing the stuff i needed. Once loaded a ran downstairs where everyone was waiting. 

"Where's Riddle?" Nott asked.

"And Delilah?" Parkinson added

"There both at the St, Mungo's. Delilah waiting for both Scorpius and Riddle to get out of surgery" I explained.

"Wait Scorpius got shot?" Blaise seemed shocked as to why Harry would do that. To be honest, so was I.

"Yes he also kidnapped Ashley. So that another reason i'm going to kill him." I marched outside loading my gun before grabbing everyone's arm and apperating to The manor. Once my feet hit the ground i marched up to the door, kicking it open. Some guard ran our way but we were quick to shot them down.

"HARRY!" I screamed. You'd probably think it was a bad idea but I couldn't give two fucks. He tried killing my son and took my witch away from me. He came running out his office, Fred and George behind him.

"Malfoy, I knew you'd come." He smirked towards me.

"Where the fuck is she?" I yelled pointing my gun towards him.

"Who?" Question George.

"Ashley? She's with you. Isn't she? Harry?" Fred asked him.

"Leave us will you." He said towards them. They nodded leaving. 

"Tell me where the fuck she is or i'll blow your fucking head off" I threatened him.

"She safe. Unlike when she's with you. She belong's here Malfoy. Her and my nephew." He smirk, walking down the stairs.

"You mean the nephew one of your men shot" I told him. 

"Ah yes, well i need to get her towards the crowd and away from you somehow." He explained.

"So you shot him?"

"Yes, i did, but he doesn't need to know that" He was now at the bottom of the stairs.

"You bastard"  I launched myself towards he, taking him to the floor. I swung my my fist at his face breaking his nose, then at his jaw, breaking a few teeth. "WHERE IS SHE?" I screamed. Suddenly my phone went off. It was Delilah. I got up off him answering the phone.

"Yes?" I answered.

"How long you going to be?" She asked panic in her voice. 

"Not long why?"

"Something went wrong with Scorpius' surgery they need you here now" She said. Fuck. No, no, no, no.

"Tell them i'm on my way. How's Riddle?"

"He's fine, It's just Scorp. Hurry up!" And with that she ended the call.I felt tears in my eyes. He's so dead.

I held my gun up aiming it towards him. He was now standing up staring at me. "I hope you heard what she said on the phone. Something went wrong with Scorpius surgery." His face fell. Guilt. Guilt was written all over his face. But then he smiled.

"Well at least she wont be connected to you anymore" That was it. I shot my gun 3 times at his chest. Blood flying everywhere. I walked over to him, kneeling on his chest, pointing my gun at his head.

"Fuck you. You know Ashley choose me over you everytime. Last time before i kill you. Where. Is. She?"

"She'll... never for... give you." He coughed out, blood spilling from his lips

"She will once she know what you did" 


The bullet when straight through his head. His skin paled, his muscle's softened. Dead. I stood up and walked away. I looked up and saw Fred and George walking down the stairs.

"If she's anywhere, she'll be in the basement and don't worry well deal with him." The nodded towards Harry. I nodded back and went running towards the basement. Running through the hallway. I heard Ashley's faint cries. She was in pain. Mentally and Physically. Bursting through the door to one of the cells, i saw her crawled up in a ball, in the corner, crying; covered in her own blood.

"P..p...please don't hurt me Harry" She pleaded.

"Don't worry, love, he's gone. Come on lets get you to St. Mungo's" I said picking her up and apperating. Once getting there, I put her on the bed and the nurse and docter took her away from examination. I ran to the children ward where Lilah was, speaking to a nurse.

"Sorry i'm late my girlfriend was injured." I explained.

"Oh god is she okay?" Lilah asked.

"Yeah she'll be fine. What about my son?" I asked the nurse.

"He currently on machine's to help him breath and the bullet severely damaged his left lung." She explained.

"Will he survive?" I asked

"It's unclear at the moment sir, but we will try our best. He's through there if you will like to see him" She pointed towards his door. I nodded walking through the door. It was a heart breaking sight. Machine all around the both sides of his bed. Wire's running into his arms, legs and mouth; helping him breath and eat. Making sure he has all the thing's he need to survive. That was it. I broke. A sob left my lips. Tear's falling down my cheek's. Delilah reached up and held me tight, crying herself.

Merlin i beg you, don't let him die.


:) Im sorry okay but, although I cried i find it good for the story. Also it maybe a surprise im updating today but im updating everyday till it's finished.

3+epilogue to go



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