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You fidgeted your hand around in the hat and pulled out a small paper chit with number 1 written on to say that you were upset with its owner would be correct. As the number got announced Ace stood up clumsily and flashed an awkward smile to you. You walked to the closet and sat down on the wooden floor. Ace entered quietly shutting the door after coming in.

You've been a part of whitebeard's crew for 2 years, working under Ace's command. You and Ace have been friends ever since you joined. But lately you and Ace had been a bit closer than normal colleagues. Ace and you would discuss how your day went under the setting sun, you both knew what the other one liked, disliked. Ace would also casually flirt with you in front of everyone. You knew you liked ace more than just a friend and hoped he felt the same way too so 6 weeks ago when he asked you out for dinner when you both were out on an expedition made your heart flutter, but your hopes were shattered when Ace didn't show up at the meet up point.

After the restaurant fiasco 3 weeks later Ace gifted you a beautiful pearl necklace which was a souvenir from the trip to a summer island he had been to. You were really happy with that gift, but that was only until a week later found when you found out he had got one for everyone on the ship, EVEN THE GUYS.

Reader's POV

I can't believe it's Ace god dammit! I don't wanna talk to him right now. He always does silly things to me like flirting shamlessly and always holding my hand in front of everybody! Everyone automatically assumes that we both are in a relationship and when they find out that we aren't they just look at me as if I'm a slut or a whore.

Ace entered the small space and sat next to me.

" Hey wasuppp?" ace said and then smiled awkwardly.

"Nothing" I said quaintly.

"Wrong the answer is the sky" ace stated and I gave him a small smile or atleast tried to.

"You know because I asked what's up and sky is up" Ace explained does he think I'm dumb and didn't get his lame joke?

"Ha-Ha how hysterical" I said mockingly.

"What's wrong why are you acting like?" he asked sternly and that made me realize what an asshole I was being right now.

It's not his fault that that I'm attracted to him or his awesome toned abs or his goofy smile or his adorable freckles or his- ARGHH its so hard to stay mad at him when he's so cute. He gently placed his arm around my waist.

There he goes again. Does he not know that if he keeps doing this my friends will tease me more and people will call me a just one of his entertainments? He is one of my closest friends but I'm willing risk it. I want to get my thoughts out in the open. If he really does want me then he will have to take a step. I need to draw a line between friendship and dating I don't want everyone to think that I'm just some easy girl that they can play around with.

"This is what's wrong" I said removing ace's arm from my waist. He looked perplexed.

" I wanna know it for myself if we are just friends or not. I'm not a girl you can toy around with you know. I get it if you don't think of me as girlfriend material. I know I'm not your type after all you did stood me up at the dinner thing. I don't want to be the clingy girl who forces a guy into a relationship."I said it all irratically and could see Ace understand everything I was talking about.

" I'm a dickhead, I'm that kind of lame loser who gets asked out by the girl. I'm too annoyed with my shitty coward self." He let out a very bitter laugh.

"You know I always stuck to my decisions no matter what, no matter what were the consequences if I once made a commitment I never let anything or anyone get in it's way, but when it comes to you I become a lost cause. I enter a completely foreign territory, I can't do what I wanna do, words can't come out of my mouth. You remember that time when I asked you out to dinner, I had made reservations for a sea side dinner overlooking the sun set but when I saw you coming in that cream colored satin dress I felt that a girl like you definitely didn't deserve a piece of trash like me so I went away without you even knowing I was there. And you remember that necklace I gave you, I had got it specially for you but I thought you would feel as if I'm too pushy so I got everyone that gift, don't even ask me how much it cost me." Ace said and I knew he meant every single word of it. He even remember what I was wearing. He's so...sweet, and I actually thought he was using me I'm such a terrible person.

"You know I had made a pact that I would never have any regrets in my life and I think that letting you go right now would probably be the biggest regret I would have. So you know would you become...mine?" ace said flashing a goofy smile and with a hint of nervousness in his words.

I leaned towards him and gently pecked his lips and said,


He wrapped his strong muscled arms around my tiny waist pressing me against his bare chest. He crashed his lips to mine making butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

He was kissing me furiously but I was human and need of air soon came so pulled away, but apparently ace wasn't tired at all as he softly kissed my jaw with his slightly chapped lips, soon he was attacking my neck, kissing, licking and biting all over it making me moan in both pain and pleasure but it was all ruined when blinding light entered in the dark closet when luffy opened the door.

"EHHHHHH- ACE IS EATING (NAME)!!!!" luffy screamed with his eyes popping out of their sockets.

I knew what he meant when after seeing all those love bites and hickeys all over my neck.

Everyone was looking at us as if a foot had grown on our shoulders.

Ace grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the gathering everyone's already drawn attention and said "Why what's wrong after all I was just marking my territory on my......Girfriend."

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