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"(Name), (Name)!", Nami shouted out your name.

You were busy chatting with Ace and Luffy, well mostly Ace as you both roasted Luffy and made fun of him endlessly. Don't get it wrong, you were allowed to make of Luffy as much as you wanted, after all that's what best buddies are for. Anyone could undoubtedly say that you and Luffy were a lot like each other. Not physically but in a way that so easy to see but kind of hard to describe. You had childlike innocence and also a strange charisma like Luffy which made people like you no matter how silly you acted . One could say you were You both loved playing tag, rolling in sunny's grassy graden, stealing meat and candies from the pantry and what not. The way luffy was with meat was the way you were with candy. The reason you both never got fat was a question yet to be explained by science.

When Ace and you met you just couldn't stop talking to him. You had been on the couch with knees to your chest and your head resting above them, intently listening about Luffy's childhood from Ace. You were so engulfed in the conversation and of course occasionally making fun of Luffy's crazy antics right from birth that if you sat there any longer you might have just grabbed a blanket and a bucket of popcorn only if you didn't feel Nami's monstrous aura surround you and scream, "Get your ASS here and pick a chit (NAME)!!!! "

You looked like a deer caught in headlights and just gave your apologetic smile which could melt even the coldest glaciers but was apparently not warm enough to melt Nami piercing cold gaze.

"Gomenasai (sorry) Nami-channn" you said cutely while pouting your lips.

You were wearing blue shorts, a baggy sweater and sneakers, your usual attire. Your hair was tied up in a high ponytail with some loose strands. You looked adorable as always said by people.

Nami smiled and said, "Just pick one already." You dived you hand inside Ace's hat and pulled out a crumbled piece of paper. The entire crew sighed and you just laughed as you straightened out the crumbled mess to reveal a poorly drawn piece of meat. Surely if anyone had spent even a single dinner or lunch or breakfast or any snack time at all with the strawhat crew could without thinking twice tell who this oh so discreet person (note the intended sarcasm). Bartolomeo took the chit from you and with tears in his eyes exclaimed,
"Even a rough sketch drawn by Luffy senpai looks like the work of Shakespeare!!!!!!!! "

" But Shakespeare was a writer." You said skeptical about how Bartolomeo even knew about Shakespeare.

"Luffy senpai's work is inexplicable and so, so FULL OF PASSION!!!!!!
EVEN SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS can't compare to this drawing. Do you mind if I keep this? " Bartolomeo looked at you pleading as if his life depended on that stupid drawing.

" Yeah sure" you said curtly not wanting to break the man's conviction with that piece of paper. Bartolomeo then started sniffing that poor harassed piece of paper.

Nami smacked Luffy on top of his head and said, "You were supposed to write a number baka (idiot) " The entire ship roared in laughter as Nami and Luffy fought about how meat would beat numbers any day and Nami shouted back how that wasn't the point.

You just giggled and made your way to the closet. Luffy eventually stormed inside almost breaking the door and sat down near you.

"Were you happy you got me" Luffy said with joy glistening in his eyes. "Is that question even one I'm supposed to answer? ", you asked mischievously.

Luffy looked at you impatiently which meant he was dying to know the answer. You trailed off saying ,"Well.......... If I really did get to pick who I'd be here with then it would have most definitely been........ " you started looking around pretending to be thinking not sparing one glance at poor Luffy knowing well that by now he would be writhing in eagerness.
Finally you looked at Luffy who looked completely restless, waiting for your answer.You gave him a close eyed smile and gleefully said,

Luffy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and looked relieved.

"I've been dying to play this game. " Luffy said excitedly.

" Me too but.. " you looked away coyly.

" But what?! " Luffy said cutting you off briskly. Did you not want to be here with Luffy? , Did he do something to irritate you? These thoughts paved way into Luffy's mind.

" I don't know what we are supposed. I don't know how to play the game. " You admitted shyly, blushing a bit because of embarrassment.

Luffy gave his trademark shishishi smile and said,"Don't worry Shanks told me we've gotta do." (Praise the Lord for Shanks, am I right or what)

You looked at him in pure unsullied innocence and asked , "So, how is it played?"

Luffy grinned and said, "It'd be better if I show you." With that Luffy leaned forward and placed his lips upon yours. Your face turned redder than all the tomatoes and beetroot out there as you immediately pulled away and started breathing heavily while covering your mouth.

"Luffy!! We cannot do that! " you shouted measly and tried to regain you composure.

" But why??? " Luffy whined childishly.

" Because baka" you looked carefully and squeaked, "only couples do that."

"Ohhh I see" Luffy said as if he understood the most important thing in the universe and said, "well in that case become my girlfriend."

"Hmm... but... Let's see...I'll have to think..You and-" you continued.

"(Name) " Luffy shot you a glare knowing how much you loved making him wait and squirm in anticipation for your answers.

" Ok ok I'll become your girlfriend, since you're insisting so much" you said jokingly sticking out your tongue.

Luffy just grinned from ear to ear, happy to hear an answer from you second time tonight and then tackled you to the ground and started putting Shankse' s teachings to work.

He began slowly be kissing your face gently and passionately . You were surprised at how amazing he was at kissing, his touch was like being touched by heavens. While his lips felt so soothing and calming you could also feel a gazillion butterflies in your stomach wanting to break through.
How could something that was so tranquil send you into frenzy at the same time? Luffy and you had you're own mystical chemistry one only you two understood,that's why you weren't shocked when Luffy sprung the revelation earlier and asked you to be his girlfriend. You knew the question was on its way, you knew that for quite a while.

You started moving you lips against his and then Luffy pulled down neck of your sweater a little to the side and started laying small kisses at your left shoulder.

"Seven minutes are up, did you guys even do anything," Ussop said before looking, presuming since you both were so kiddish nothing could've took place. But then his eyes sprung out of his sockets seeing Luffy all over you.

"OI LUFFY BUT HOW?!?! how could-" Ussop said not believing his eyes.

All the others were equally astonished. You eyes searched for a certain person until they landed on a mush of red hair.

"You've taught him a bit too much Shanks-san." you said as the whole perplexed crew realized the source of Luffy's newfound knowledge.

Shanks just playfully replied,

"It's just Shanks and I can see he's put that knowledge to good use. "


BOO! I'm back Microsoft office doesn't work in my laptop so I had to write this entire chapter from my phone :,(

I really really really hope you like this chapter. Sorry for the long hiatus (^~^) I just thought I was done but then when I saw you guys' comments I just couldn't keep you guys waiting long. Feel free to me who else I should write about. (^_-)

Please comment and vote you guys whenever I see there's a new comment I start smiling. I love hearing from you guys.
Now too much blah blah better go now
Byeeee, jaane, ciao, sayonara (^o^)

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