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You were sitting with Robin and Koala just talking about the party and having fun. You had been a part of the revolutionary army for many years, you worked directly under Dragon-san but you were mostly out on missions and never really got to hang out with others much. You recently started working with Sabo and were still a bit stiff around him. Koala and you had immediately gotten all buddy-buddy but you still couldn't unwind or act freely around Sabo mostly because you admired him. He was your idol someone you longed to be like. His strength, his cool demeanor and the essence of kindness he had in him all made you want to be like him, you liked him a lot but surely you wouldn't let anyone ever know that, least of all him.

You had already known Robin and had met Luffy and the others at Dressrosa.

"(Name) it's your turn now, pick one" Nami said to you holding out a hat with paper chits inside.

You dipped your hand in and pulled out a piece of paper. You opened the paper and saw number 5 written on it.

"It's 5" Nami announced taking the slip from you.

You were already starting to regret playing this game as you saw Sabo getting up.

You started blushing imagining being in a closet, alone, in the dark with the one guy you were sure could turn your legs to jell-O just by touching your shoulder.

As you clumsily started getting up Koala said, "go score some with Sa-" you silenced Koala by putting your hands on her mouth trying to keep her from embarrassing you more.

You were already blushing before even entering the closet and said, "Chief and I could never-"
This time Koala interrupted you and said, "I still can't believe you call him chief (Name)."

You sighed,"I can't... I just can't. " Now Koala sighed knowing what a lost cause you become when it comes to Sabo.

You thought no one knew that you liked Sabo, but you were wrong. What you also didn't know was that Sabo liked you that's why as Sabo was getting up some revolutionaries started making wolf whistles at him and he just silenced them the way you silenced Koala.

You both walked towards closet and placed your hand on the doorknob. Sabo did the same therefore your hands touched. Old school I know.

"G-go in first you" you said your mind going haywire.

"Huh?" Sabo asked looking confused. You mentally cursed yourself for talking like a retarded idiot.

"I-I mean you can go in first " you said finally getting a hold of yourself.

The revolutionaries sighed looking at the awfully awkward scene, knowing well enough that you both were never going to express your feelings without a little push.

Sabo grabbed the doorknob and held the door open, signaling for you to walk in. You walked in the abysmal dark closet having no idea what to do.

"(Name)" Sabo said sitting down somewhere in the small completely dark closet.

"Yeah chief " you answered apathetically.

"Why do you always call me chief? Everyone else calls me Sabo. " Sabo asked wondering why you always called him by such a formal word. Did you still not consider him your companion? You were supposed to work together, not under him so why were you so distant. These thoughts always lingered in Sabo's mind, making him doubt if he had been too strict with you, or was he not friendly enough.

"Um chief, it's just that calling you by your name sounds too informal you know . " You replied trying to smile a little like a dork knowing well enough that the reason was your timidity around him.

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