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It was quite late by now some people had already passed out from intoxication by alcohol while the others who were still gallant enough to drink more looked no less than helpless drunkards except one man.

Finally Nami pranced your way, tipsy from gulping down glass after glass of sake.

You dipped your hand in the hat that held all chits of the different guys on the ship. Picking up the white folded piece of paper you saw the number written on it. Nami grabbed it from your hands and announced it out loud, " Numberrr (hiccup) 2." She slurred some incoherent nothings after that and then went back tripping from time to time.

You looked around yourself thinking the owner of that chit had long lost consciousness until you saw one single olive skinned redhead lift his head and look at you in the eyes unlike the short quick glances he had been throwing you all night, with his typical charming smirk he walked up to you and held his arm out for you. You coyly got up walked in the closet being the shy girl you were without taking consideration of his gentlemanly gesture.

"Not a fan of chivalry?" Shanks asked with a grin.

"No but you definitely seem to be a fan of rum and beer. " you said directing it to the rum and beer bottles he had brought in the closet with him.

" Well I was wondering how we would pass time in the closet... So I thought what's better than talking over a couple of drinks. " Shanks said offering you a bottle of beer.

" Sorry to ruin your plan but I've made it a habit to not drink. " you said refusing the bottle of alcohol.

" What!? I've never heard of a pirate that doesn't drink!" Shanks exclaimed.

"Well I've never heard of a person who plays seven minutes in heaven by drinking! " you replied and turned your face away.

" Listen I know what you want to do but.... I'm never gonna have the courage to do it so if you wanna leave the closet you can. Being here would be a waste of time. " You said cooly but hints of insecurity and lack of confidence seeped in your words and they didn't go by unnoticed by Shanks attentive listening.

" Do you think I'm that stupid that I would rather want to go out to those piss ass drunk crew mates of mine than spend time alone with a girl as beautiful as you. " Shanks said with his ever present smirk.

You giggled a little and said," I swear that line is so cheesy it'll make a lasagna jealous. "

Shanks laughed out and said," Hey from what I can guess playing seven minutes in heaven isn't really your style so what do you say wanna play something else?" while grinned mischievously.

"That smile on your face sure says something else but I'm interested in knowing what's going inside that cocky little brain of yours. " you responded.

"This game it's quite simple one of us will tell something that they've never done and if the other one has done it they'll have to take a sip of some beer." Shanks explained.

"What! Shanks I already told you I don't drink! " you said not entirely sure about the game.

" Oh come on (name) chan~ just a few sips it won't kill you. We'll turn this game of seven minutes in heaven into a game of seven minutes of drinking! " Shanks said whining. Not being able to refuse again you gave in to his pleads and agreed to play the game. Shanks grinned in victory and handed you a bottle of beer.

" Alright! I'll begin. So I've never ever worn a skirt. " Shanks said knowing how to get you to drink.

" Hey now you can't say THAT it's not allowed. You must've worn it sometime after getting drunk? " you said hoping to not lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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