Under the teachers desk Part 12

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Part 12

"Your treat will be several parts that I have been working on for a long time." It has taken me a long time and a lot of effort to prepare this for you!" "I can't wait! I know you are going to love this!" She then hands me a blind fold and instructs me to put it on. This makes me nervous and she senses it. "Trust me... being blind folded will make this so much better for you!" I hesitantly put it on. After I get it on and adjusted, I am now laying there in total darkness. I feel a whoosh of air near my face but I don't know what it was. "I just had to make sure you couldn't see." Then suddenly I hear duct taped being ripped from the roll and now I can feel it being placed over the blind fold and around my head. I now panic! What is she doing to me? Oh no! Mrs. H can tell I am starting to panic and calms me down by telling me "Don't worry that is just so the blind fold doesn't fall off and ruin your surprise." Hearing this actually does help calm me down. I lay there in darkness still wondering what she is doing. She then places a pair of sound blocking headphones on my ears. Now I can't see or hear, it is completely silent and I can't see a thing! I feel my hands getting raised over my head and tied up followed by legs at the opposite end. I am now completely immobilized and extremely fearful when I am suddenly surprised to hear Mrs. H's voice in my ears. "Those headphones that you are wearing completely block any sound from the outside world... but I have a microphone connected to them so I can still talk to you." I finally speak in opposition "Please Goddess! I don't like this! Please just let me go." She replies "but you haven't even got your surprise yet." "Just relax, you are fixing to get the first part of your treat and then you won't be complaining! I promise! It's going to be great!" I can't see, hear, or move and I was worried but now after hearing that I slightly calm down. I don't know how or why, but every time I begin worrying Goddess says just the right thing to calm me down. Then suddenly I hear her voice again "I'm sure you noticed by now... with the loss of all of your other senses, your sense of taste and smell are drastically heightened. With every sense you lose, the others go in to hyper drive to accommodate." I wasn't sure what she meant until it dawned on me. She was right, I could smell and taste everything. I didn't realize this because of the worry and panic from being immobilized but now I do! All of the sudden I can the most God-awful stench I have ever smelled! This smell is the worst thing ever!!! I open my mouth to tell Goddess when suddenly I feel something enter my mouth. It tastes just like the smell only worse! I struggle for a minute while the contents of my mouth expand. My taste buds are on fire! And I am now throwing up but being forced to swallow it back down due to the gag in my mouth. "What you are tasting now is my socks from this week!" Goddess laughs. I am horrified and thrash around trying to spit them out but it is useless. She then continues "I have worn those same socks every day this week for my runs and going to the gym. That is 20 miles per day along with 2 hours in the gym." I am absolutely horrified as she continues speaking. "That equals over 100 miles and 10 hours of gym time sweat that you get to enjoy! Also, I haven't washed my feet since last Thursday... that was the hardest part. I had to take a bath every night and be careful to keep my feet out of the water." "It was difficult but I knew how much you would enjoy this so I did it for you!" I can feel the sweat from her socks drip down my throat every time I swallow. It burns the whole way down. It seems to only get worse as time goes on. "Plus I have been wearing these same pantyhose underneath my socks and all day for the last 2 weeks! That is why I haven't "let" you smell my feet all week... I had to save it all up for your special treat today! I know you can't wait to smell my feet, but you have to wait... I want you to enjoy those socks for a little bit before you get the privilege of sniffing my feet." At this point I am so mad! Why does she think this ok to do to a person? What makes her think this is a "treat"? This inhumane torture! My mouth feels like it is on fire as her socks fill every gap and is the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted, and I just licked 20 pairs of shoes clean that were covered in mud and grossness! All of the sudden I feel a heel digging into my mouth. She has rolled her chair in without me knowing it and now she has one heel in my mouth with her legs crossed. This is causing the socks to be pushed even further down my throat. She stays in that position for a long time. Finally, she speaks to me again "see... I told you that you wouldn't be complaining once you got the first part of your treat!" I am so mad! I try to yell at her. I want to complain but I can't! She knew this! Then I feel Goddess moving around, but she doesn't remove her heel from my mouth. Suddenly, I am hit with the worst smelling thing ever! I don't know what it is, but it stinks way worse than the socks did. I am now reinvigorated to fight against my bonds. I squirm and try my best, but they hold firm. My eyes are watering from the horrific smell! My nose is burning and with the sock gag, I am forced to take every breath through my nose. After struggling so much, I am now breathing heavily which only intensifies the terrible odor invading my nostrils. Then I hear Goddess "I knew you would enjoy smelling these pantyhose, but I didn't know you would be so happy that you would be taking such deep breaths!" I then fight again trying to break free and get away from the smell but still my efforts prove to be futile. I am now breathing even harder through my nose sucking in as much oxygen as possible. Every breath is tainted with the horrible smell of Goddess' stinky pantyhose covered foot. She just laughs "you really enjoy that smell, don't you? Such deep breaths through your nose! Don't worry you still have nearly 4 hours to enjoy the smell!" Then to horror... she informs me "you haven't even gotten the best part of your surprise yet!" "But that will be later." What? How could she still have anything else? I am already suffering more than I ever thought possible! Suddenly, I feel her pantyhose covered foot rest right on my nose. The smell is now amplified 10 times worse than before. How can it smell so much worse? I think to myself. Then she seems to have read my mind as she comments "I just took off my high heel earlier when you were so desperately trying to suck in as much of the smell as possible... it was still several feet away from your face! But this should make it easier for you to be able to sniff it as much as want!" She begins to play with my nose with her toes. I am left here with her socks gagging my mouth, her high heel from her left foot forcing the socks deeper down my throat, while her right foot plays footsie with my nose. I can't think of anything worse! This is absolutely torture! She remains in this position for nearly an hour. I can't see or hear anything, my nose is burning from the rancid smell, and my mouth has the most horrific taste ever in it. Suddenly she removes the heel from my mouth, pulls her toes off my nose, and for the first time in over an hour, I get a big deep breath without every particle of air being filtered through her nylons. The smell was still awful but at least there was fresh air mixed with foot sweat smell. I take a couple of more big breaths through my nose when suddenly I hear "wow look at you taking such big whiffs trying to get to smell my feet. Here let me help you!" She then cups my nose with her left foot fresh out of her heels. I again trying screaming and fighting to move because this new foot brought a whole new smell back to my nose! It was horrible! But I couldn't do anything to stop it. Now I must yet again take big deep breaths through my nose filtered through her pantyhose feet. She just laughs at me " there you go! You are so welcome!" "I can't believe how much love this smell especially after running over 200 miles, working out for over 20 hours, a softball tournament, and wearing them every day for 2 weeks!" 

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