Under the teacher desk Part 29

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Part 29

At 6:27 am Tuesday morning Principal Amy returns me to normal size and shoos me away to start my day with Goddess. I rush down the hall and make a quick pit stop at the restroom. I then wash my hands and face. I quickly proceed to Mrs. H's room and crawl under her desk. She walks in just seconds later. She is wearing her running outfit. She looks down at me. She has a huge smirk on her face. "So, what did you do wrong? Did Principal Amy spank you? Are you still in trouble?" She rapid fires her questions. I open my mouth to reply " " nothing comes out! Oh no I panic! Why can't I speak? Goddess is going to be mad if I don't answer her! Then unsurprisingly *CRASH *CRASH *CRASH* she stomps my face! "Answer me!" Another couple second pause and then *CRASH *CRASH *CRASH* 3 more hard stomps on my already sore face! "I'm waiting!" *CRASH *CRASH *CRASH* 3 more stomps. I try my best to yell and scream but nothing comes out. I am now crying desperately trying to answer but I can't... suddenly I remember what Principal Amy told me "I control your voice" "I can cut it off whenever I want." I am now in full panic mode! In a flash, Goddess drags me out from under her desk. She instantly jumps onto my chest knocking the breath out of me! "And here I thought we were going to have a great day today! I was in a good mood... I made over $200 from my shoe shining business yesterday! But I guess you want to play hard ball!" She removes her running shoes, peels her sweaty socks in off, and shoves them into my mouth while still squatting down on my chest. I am gagging on the awful taste of the sweaty socks! She keeps talking "since you don't want to talk to me... now you can't talk to anyone!" She then grabs something from her desk drawer. It is that awful toilet hose contraption! I think to myself... what is she doing with that? My mouth is full of her nasty sweaty socks! She then forcefully shoves the end into my mouth and starts duct taping it in place. She wraps it around my mouth, around the hose and around my head not less than 25 times! It definitely won't move now! I gag and choke from how deep the socks are in my mouth! She finally stands back and looks at her handiwork. "That will teach you to answer me when I speak to you!" She then squats back down and tapes my eyes closed. "Perfect!" She announces while standing back up. Without warning, my mouth fills with warm salty liquid! The sock gag makes it impossible to swallow as fast as it is coming in! I am actually drowning at this point! I gargle and thrash around, but she just keeps standing there on my chest while using my already full mouth as her toilet! I do everything in power to swallow but no matter how hard I try; her flow is faster! After what feels like an eternity, she finally finishes. My mouth is still overflowing with her waste but the tape and socks keep it in my mouth. She remains standing on chest now uncontrollably laughing at me. "I bet you wish you would have answered me now don't you!?" I keep sucking down gulp after gulp. This is absolutely torture!!! I am forced to drink her urine filtered through her horribly awful socks! The socks by themselves already had me nauseous but now this addition is just cruel! I finally manage to get all of waste out of the tube so at least it isn't still filling my mouth, but I still feel like I am drowning. It takes all of my effort and concentration to keep sucking the sweat and urine out of her socks. Otherwise, I might actually drown! Goddess finally steps off my chest. What a relief, I think! I am then shoved back under her desk. Suddenly I smell an absolutely puke inducing horrible odor right on my nose! I then feel tape being wrapped around my head. She has placed her running sneaker on my face with the insole right on my nose and is now taping it in place! She finishes up and then silence. I can't hear anything. The darkness and the complete and total lack of noise drives me crazy! I then remembered... she told me before "by removing all of your other senses, your smell and taste is heightened!" That is definitely what happened. Her shoe smells worse than ever before, my mouth is on fire with nasty sweaty urine-soaked socks and I am still sore from the multiple face stomps I received just a few minutes ago. I lay there in agony. I am feeling really sorry for myself when suddenly... I am drowning again! My mouth is filled to the brim with warm sour liquid! I can't believe this how does have to go again? It's only been 5 minutes! This time the flow lasts longer and tastes worse! I swallow as fast as possible! I keep sucking for all I'm worth! It eventually stops. I have been working on drinking this waste for over 5 minutes. I finally finish the tube and the flow stops. Whew I'm glad I got that done. I then hear Goddess in my ears. "Do you like drinking Mrs. Fair's or my golden nectar more? Haha!" Then total silence again. I again lay in agony still focusing on not drowning! I feel a pair of feet crash down on top of the shoe covering my face. This must be Goddess I think to myself. Then a lightning bolt shoots through me as a sharp heel lands squarely on my private parts. It painfully digs in. Then I feel it start twisting side to side! I'm pretty sure this heel is nearly bursting my balls! The pain is excruciating! But I can't yell or do anything about it. I just have to lay there in silence and take it. I'm unsure how long I have been in this position but it feels like forever when the sharp stabbing heel finally raises off my balls. I am so happy! Until I realized why she removed her foot... my mouth becomes a toilet again! This time it was only about 1 minute of flow. I manage to get it down when it happens again! As I lay there drinking down this waste, the stabbing pain comes back 10-fold in my privates! Mrs. Fair put her heel back on my crotch while Mrs. H is using me as a toilet! I accept my fate knowing at least my day can't get any worse! I finish chugging down this liquid. Mrs. Fair removes her feet from my balls and a few seconds later I hear "don't you dare move a muscle or make any noise!" As if I had a choice! Principal Amy has my voice blocked, my mouth is completely stuffed full of sweaty pee-soaked socks, I am tied to the desk unable to move my legs or hands, and I have a disgusting smelling shoe blocking my only path of breathing! I am furious! After about 30 minutes my mouth fills with liquid again! There is no way! Mrs. Fair and Goddess both used me 35 minutes ago! How? I struggle and fight to drink down all of the liquid. It last for several minutes flowing full speed! It tastes even more salty than Goddess' and more sour than Mrs. Fair's. It finally stops and I must keep swallowing for several minutes. About 10 minutes later I feel something messing with my head. The headphones come off. I can suddenly hear all of the background noise... it is deafening loud! Then the blindfold comes off. Same reaction, the light blinds me! The shoe is untaped and removed from my nose. Finally fresh air! I take several big whiffs through my nose! Yes! I think the day is over. I wait patiently to get untied and to spit these terrible socks out of my mouth! I wait, and wait.. then she does remove the disgusting sock gag from my mouth... I have never felt such relief! Thank God! "Sorry about that last one... my sister came by for a chat... when she asked where the bathroom is, I couldn't help myself!" "I know you don't mind though!" She laughs. I am still waiting for her to untie me so I can finally leave this horrible day in the past. And then...

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