I missed You !

17 3 2

Hoi! ✌🏻
Hello beautiful people!!😘
I hope you all are doing gr8! ✨
Don't forget to take proper precautions and be safe and healthy 💫
Let's get into the chapter 😸
I want to know who is your bais!?🙂
Do tell me , don't ignore me!😐
Ok ! Byee now 😅


A/N's P.O.V.

Bora felt blank !! No is he gonna lock me in the dark store room !
Then he pushed her inside the bedroom and locked the gate , then started removing his clothes as she finally understood ....
What he was going to do !!

She screamed ,'plz don't hit me with that belt!!!! PLZ I Beg you !!!'

But then he pushed her on the bed .....

Bora screamed her lungs out as she slowly put all the pieces together!!

She started pushing him , with all her strength , but all went in vain.....

He ripped her clothes , as he ruined her again!!

Bore........she was broken , not once but twice now!!!

Her self - confidence was crumbled into a tinie-tiny ball of .......self - disgust !

Her depressing thoughts which she thankfully , was able to supress for years now , came rushing to its surface like they never left her side!!

Making her drown more in her deep thoughts , most of them negative , telling her , forcing her weak body to just give up !!!

" Does the feeling of nothingness ever wither away.......?"


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

She just scooted near the window! Balling her eyes out , as she again failed to protect herself!!

She thought: (Bora's P.O.V.)
'Am I really that worthless , useless , waste of space .......? That no one really wants me by there side , and the one that actually accepted the real me , I broke his heart !!! And he.....he doesn't even know *crying harder*

He will be so heart-broken , when he will get to know about my marriage and that .....that I'm not p-pure anymore *crying badly*

She then gathered all her strength to stand as she failed and fell with a huge thud , she noticed her wound bleeding badly , she sighed shakily and went to take a shower!!

After that she cleaned the room and bandaided her leg , as she was left with absolutely zero energy!!

She then sat on the same couch and while crying slowly drifted to a deep slumber!!

In the morning:

Jungkook , woke up and saw himself naked and his lower part covered with a warmer!!

☞✧мєαηт тσ вє...[ נ.נ.к ]✧जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें