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okay so down below is a bunch of head cannons and as the reader you get to chose which one you want me to make into a one-shot chapter!!

Ideas are not mine im just borrowing them from willsolaceseemedprettycool (at least i think it was) anyway you should go follow them on tumblr if you have one!! (and me if you want to but)


When Will admits he does have feelings for Nico, he blushes bright red every time Nico passes by. He couldn’t look at Nico in the eye for three days until he stops blushing and stuttering everytime he’s around. Nico doesn’t even know what’s happening.

Saturday is Nico and Will’s lazy day. They don’t do anything besides cuddle in bed, kisses and watch ridiculous movies in the TV. It doesn’t matter if the world is ending you can’t disturb their lazy day.

Nico tends to fall sleep in Will’s shoulder or lap and Will thinks that’s the most adorable thing there ever was.

piggy back rides. Will carries Nico all around the camp like that and Will teases Nico about finally being tall. 

Will teaches Nico how to play basketball and when he’s guiding Nico he uses it as an excuse to touch him. As if Nico doesn’t know. Will doesn’t know how to make moves oh my god he’s so obvious.

Will once tried to convice Nico that he liked hardcore bands and heavy metal, but the minute Nico stepped in the Apollo cabin he saw posters and pictures of the members of 5SOS and Will was like “I CAN EXPLAIN”

Nico gets jealous over Will liking actors and singers. Will laughs and kisses him, assuring him that he only loves death boys.

They are that kind of couple that goes to the cinema to make out.

Will and Nico tried to learn how to dance. Half of the time they tripped over, stepped on the other’s foot while laughing histerically because they sucked at that.

Will loves Nico’s cheeks. He loves holding them and just play with them. If he could, he would play and kiss his cheeks all day long.

And Nico loves Will’s hair. He got so mad when Will got his hair cut once. 

Once, Nico forgot one of his t-shirts at the Apollo cabin. Will did not wear it ‘cause it was too tight, but instead he smelled it and hugged it until Kayla told him “dude that’s so weird”. 

Will sings to Nico ‘Blackbird’ by The Beatles with a guitar. Nico just hummed Here comes the Sun but Will was more than happy with that. 

Before they started dating, Will dropped an obvious hint by giving Nico chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Nico didn’t know it was Valentine’s day tho (He never celebrated it) so he just said “Thanks” and ate it. Will smashed his head against the wall.

Will is the only one who can calm Nico down when he’s super angry. 


The first time Nico saw Will shirtless was because he was changing his sweaty t-shirt for a dry one. Nico’s jaw dropped to the floor and he spent the entire day blushing and seeing Will shirtless wherever he looked.

Will dropped his bow and arrow when he saw Nico shirtless. It fell right on his feet but he couldn’t care less.

Nico can’t watch movies if he’s in bed with Will. Will’s chest is so comfy and warm that he just falls asleep. He can’t help it. 

They take showers together. Will’s favorite activity is wash Nico’s hair because it’s so fluffy and cute ;u;

When it was Nico’s birthday, Will brought a cake. Nico blew the candle and made his wish. Nico didn’t celebrate his birthday often (and he barely remembered the ones from when he was younger) so he was REALLY surprised when Will grabbed his head and smashed it against the cake. After that he chased after Will all over the Camp screaming curses in Italian. 

Will teases Nico about being his angel. ;uuu;;;

coment below which one you want!!!!
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