Little Nico

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(A/N) Everyone I am so sorry for not writing lately I got a new phone and I couldn't get on wattpad but I'm back now and I'm just going to write this because it's been in my head for a while and then I swear I'm going to go through all your request and write then all out. Thank you for being patience :3

Nico had learnt his lesson. Never. Never. mess with the Hecate cabin. While people are scared of the Hades kids they should be shaking in their boots because of Hecate kids.

It was one sunny afternoon (which only made him think that Apollo was teasing him.) when he walked over to the Hecate cabin because he need to talk to Lou Ellen.

Nico nocked on the door waiting patiently for someone to open it.... But that patience didn't last long. Nico found himself pushing open the door when he found it was unlocked.

"Lou Ellen?" Nico called. "Lou-" Nico said taking a step inside. And that was his mistake. As soon as he took a step inside an alarm went off a red light was flashing. All of a sudden a smoke like substance blew all over him. "What the-" He stuttered then everything when black like he had just shadow traveled.

"Oh gods." A voice said. "Nico! Nico!" Hang on... Nico knew that voice... was that...... WILL!

Nico eyes sprang open and he sat up.
"What?!?" Nico said "What?!?" as Nico looked up and saw the massive face before him he nearly screamed. "WILL YOUR MASSIVE!"

"No I'm not Nico," Will said Nico frowned. "Your tiny."

"What?" Nico asked. He turned around to scope the room. Will was right he was tiny. All the furniture was massive compared to how small Nico. Nico estimated that he was around 8-10cm tall. "WHAT IN HADES?!?!" Will frowned in concern.

"We have to find a Hecate kid now." He said.

"How?" Nico asked. "I'm tiny." Will tilted his head thinking. Nico could feel his heart flutter. Anything Will did would make Nico feel like this. No was no way he could deny it. He was in love. Will suddenly put hand out. Nico frowned confused.

"Come on get on." Will said. Nico hesitated. Will rolled his eyes. "Hurry up! Unless you'd like to stay like this?" Will had never seen Nico move so fast.

"Come on let's go." Nico said pouting. Will cupped Nico in his hands and Nico sat down. When Nico moved his hand to the side he was glad to feel that his sword had shrunken down as well and was sitting in its sheath.

"Lou!" Nico could hear Will call. "Lou Ellen!"

"What?" A voice called back.

"I need you help." Will said.

"With what?" Lou Ellen said. Her voice sounded closer. Will suddenly opened his hands letting in the sunlight blinding Nico.

"Oh my Gods!" Lou Ellen said laughing. "I didn't think it would work!"

"Your what?"

"Our alarm system. Cassie made it. It's meant to turn anyone who intrudes on the Hecate cabin into well-" Lou Ellen gestured to Nico. "A itsy bitsy person."

"Well, how do we turn him back to normal?" Will asked.

"We can't it wears off after a while."

"How longs a while?" Nico asked.

"A day you little cutie." Lou Ellen said waving her finger in his face. Nico slapped her finger away and was suddenly jerked back onto his ass as Will suddenly pulled back. Nico frowned at Will wondering why he did that. There was something on Will's face that made Nico confused. 'Did he like-' Nico was wondering but was cut off from Lou Ellen's laugh. Nico could see a blush rising on Will's face. "Your gonna have to look after him all day Will." Lou said smirking.

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