Will, how could you? Part 2

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A/N Part 2 is here!!! @Rubydust this is my tomorrow in not sure if it's yours but since it's mine you can't really kill me.... Right?? Also everyone thank you for your comments!! They made me all extremely happy!!! And sorry to @avengerfan54 and @_sparkyintheforest_ for killing you a little I hop this makes you feel better 😢


Previously: "I love you." Will said, his voice cracking mid sentence. "I love you so so much. More than I've ever loved anything. I've spent the last week trying to express how much I love you, how it wasn't me that started the kiss but you won't listen to me. I understand though. All your life you've been burnt and scarred by people you trusted with your heart and now your scared to show it to others and you will always think or try to see worst in other because you don't want to find yourself in too deep if they so end up hurting you. I understand that your trying to protect your heart.... And... A-and I understand if you never want to see me again." Will said sobbing now. "And just between me and you. I liked your look before the make-over although you'd look hot in anything." Will said with a weak smile. Will stood from his place on the floor.

"Goodbye, Nico." Will said placing a hand on the door. "I love you I really do . I will always remember the taste of you lips on mine. The day we first me. The day we first kissed it was the best day of my like, it felt like fireworks were going off. I won't be able to forget the nights where we would huddle together on either mine it your bed watching movies. I will always love you, Nico. I won't be able to stop, loving and I will never want to." Will then turned, tears gushing down his cheeks, and walked away from Nico's cabin to his own.'

Nico's POV

Nico sat on the other side of the door silently sobbing as countless thought ran threw his head. Most of them alone the lines of
'Go and get him you idiot!!'
strangely in Hazel's voice, but Hazel wasn't here this time to help him through this, nor was Percy or Piper. He had to make this decision by himself.

Nico shakily stood from his sitting position once Will had left finally letting his sobs out loud and clear.

'You heard him it wasn't his fault!! He loves you so much he spent two weeks trying to show you how much he does, trying to tell you the truth but you shot him down! Nico, it's time you take a leap of faith and get that boy!! If this week has told you anything it's that you can finally trust someone with your heart and that person is WILL!! And your just going to let that slip through your hands, Nico? I thought you were smarter than that.' Nico heard a voice say in his head, except this time it wasn't Hazel that said it, it was Bianca.

With a look of determination (and tears) Nico all but barged through the door and sprinted across the yard (?) to the Apollo cabin.

Nico fiercely knocked on Apollo cabin door. The door opened slightly to reveal a familiar girl with short dirty blonde hair and steel blue/grey eyes.

"Nico," Crystal said. "If your here to give Will shit please leave. You've hurt him enough he can't take it anymore."

"That not what in here to do." Nico growled out, on the inside feeling a pang of sadness and guilt and Crystal's words. "Will?!? Will!!" Nico yelled pushing past Crystal and into the cabin.

Nico all but ran to Will when he saw him standing next to his bed his eyes red.

"What do you want, Nico?" Will asked not meeting his eyes.

"Umm," Nico said looking at all the tired glaring faces looking as if they had all woken up and Nico only just then realised how. "Maybe we should take this outside." Will nodded.

"I came here to apologise." Nico said.

"Apolog-?" Will asked confused. "What?"

"I'm sorry for over reacting. I'm sorry for not listening to what you had to say. I'm sorry for not trusting you enough and most of all I'm sorry for breaking up with you." Nico said shocking Will. "That's why I'm here. I was wondering Will, if you wanted to maybe start again." Nico said playing with his hands mumbling.

"No way." Will said frowning. Nico's eyes widened as his heart sank to the underworld. And Will, confusing the hell out of Nico, pressed his lips straight to Nico's in a passionate wanting kiss. "There is no way we are starting again. We are going from where we left off."

"Oh you asshole." Nico said lightly punching Will's arm playfully. "I thought you didn't want to get back together!" Nico said and Will.

"Are you mad." Will said pulling into a hug, squeezing Nico before pulling back from hug, there faces inches away. "Remember what I said you door step? 'I will always love you, Nico. I won't be able to stop, loving and I will never want to.' and that is so so true I will love you no matter." Will said in a whisper, ghosting his lips against Nico's.

"I don't deserve you, Will." Nico said. "In no life will I ever deserve you."

"Yes you do." Will said. "Your life's been horrible, with everyone you loved dying. It's about time you had some life in you life. And even if you didn't I wouldn't give two shits I'd still love you." Will said smiling.

Nico wrapped his arms around Will's neck and pressed his lips in a soft and loving kiss that seemed to say everything they wanted to say the last 2 weeks.


*next morning*

(A/N They did not have make-up sex but if you want to pretend they did go ahead)

Sunlight streamed through the windows gently waking Nico up and warming his cold skin.

"Will?" Nico asked.

"Hmmmm?" Will hummed in response.

"I was wondering..." Nico said. "Do you think that maybe we could, you know, go to hot topic and buy some new clothes for me?" Nico asked. Will's eyes snapped open and locked with Nico's.

"Damn straight we can." Will said kissing the top of Nico's head. "Let's start by throwing out all those new clothes." Will said wrinkling his nose.

Nico smiled and pulled the sheets off them.

A/N well not as good as it could have been but oh well it all better now 😊

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