Challenged (Not an Update)

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1. You must repost the rules

2. You must tag 13 people

3. You can't refuse

4. You can't tag someone back

5. the tagged people must do this within a week (whoops)

6. You must have a unique title (oh well)

7. must be in a new story (hahahahahhahahah...... no)

Q1) If you had to choose between finding love or having kids what would you choose?

Love tbh. I can just replace kids with dogs

Q2) If you were able to stop something from happening what would it be?

Terrorist attacks

Q3) How many people have you killed?

If I told you that I would have to add one more name to that list...

Q4) Any regrets?

Yeah my entire childhood

Q5) Have you ever used one of your fandoms in your school work?

I actually just finnished a project comparing The Mortal Instruments to the Bible

Q6) What is the meaning of life?

I actually believe that life is a test and that once we die we are judged by the life we lived. For example I believe that all that bad things and problems that happen in life like your parents splitting or you being bullied is all just a test to see how you cope and if you stay strong and keep on pushing God (or whoever is up there) will reward you with a happy "afterlife" and if you made mistakes in your life you won't be punished just reborn so you can be re-trialed by life. So stay strong everyone to have a happy afterlife!

Q7) Can we have an exact measurement?

o-of what??

because you weren't specific your getting time.

right now it is 10:37:10

Q8) What is your reaction to this joke? "What's clear and smells like red paint? Chloroform."

'That's what chloroform smells like??!' 

Q9) Can you say the alphabet backwards?

I can but it takes a lot of effort and it's really worth it unless you want to show off to kids :/

Q10) Saddest moment of your life?

Probably when my dog Earl died or when Uncle John died.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed learning about me, I'm really sorry this isn't an update but hopefully I can sit my sorry ass down these holidays and get to writing.

Thank you so much sparkly_mushashe for tagging me. It means a lot.

I tag:

silentbrothersBearie28simplyaimeexoxoDeath-girl13Skybolina,  and everyone else who would like to do it! Just tag me because I would like to get to know my readers a little bit more :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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