We Soo Cannot Dance.

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(A/N) soooo tried 😩😩😴😴

"Nico!" Will yelled knocking on his door. "Nico! Nico! Nico! Nico! Nic-" Will was cut off from his cat-that-had-been-locked-outside-wailing by the one and only Nico Di Angelo.

"What do you want." Nico said opening the door. Nico was only wearing a pair of black track pants making Will's heart jump up into his throat as his eyes scanned over Nico's bed hair, bare chest, and track pants.

"Uhhhh." Will said still looking at Nico's abs.

"Do you want me to put a shirt on?" Nico asked point back inside.

"What?! No! No it's okay." Will said then smiled at him. "I just want to announce that I have booked us dance lessons."

"I can't dance." Nico said bluntly. "Neither can you."

"I know that's why I booked us!" Will said smiling.

"Okay. When is it?"

"Now!" Will said startling Nico. "Go get dressed!"

"First you wake me up at 6 in the morning and now your telling me to get dressed so we can dance." Nico mumbled. "What is wrong with you today?"

"Just hurry up!" Will said. Pushing Nico inside and shutting the door behind himself.

Nico yawned as he walked over to the closet and threw open the doors. Will watched as Nico - sadly - pulled on a black shirt with a skull on it and replaced his black track pants with black ripped skinny jeans. Nico pulled on his sneakers and walked up to Will.

"Alright let's go." Nico said making Will smile.

~time skip brought to you by the Argo II~

*at the dance studio*

"Will? Nico?" A women in a leotard with a ballet skirt asked as soon as Nico and Will walked trough the door.

"Yes." Will said smiling.

"Great. Come this way." She said and lead them down a hallway covered in photos of couples smiling and dancing, children doing ballet, a performance of 'Black Swan', a group of men holding Women in leotards above their heads like they were praising them, and many others. At the end of the hallway the women opened the door smiling.

"Okay, today I will teach you to do the waltz." She said once both demigods had walked inside.

"1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3." She called repetitively after showing Will and Nico what the should be doing.

"Holy Hera!" Nico called laughing as Will stood on his foot.

"Sorry." Will said laughing as well.

A few minutes later Nico tripped and would have fell if Will didn't catch him.

"Thanks Babe." Nico said.

"Your welcome Honey pie." Will said back making both boys laugh.

"Okay, I think we should take this from the top." The women - who had introduced herself as Mel earlier - said making Nico and Will groan.

"1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3" Mel said once Will and Nico had gotten into first position.

Will and Nico only lasted two minutes of Waltzing until one of them tripped pulling them both over and having fits of laughter.

"Boys if you would please take this seriously." Mel said.

"Like that's gonna happen." Nico mumbled under his breath making Will laugh again and Mel to glare at them.

Will and Nico stood up again ready for another try.... Only for it to be ruined when Nico stood on Will's foot.

"Thank god your better in bed." Will said making Mel look away and Nico blush and softly punch him.

"You haven't even seen me in bed!" Nico said. "I'm a lot better than you'd think." Nico whispered making Will throw his head back and laugh.

"I think we should try another day." Mel announced.

"Yeah, sure." Nico said trying not to laugh.

Mel then ushered Nico and Will out the building. "Haveagoodday." She said quickly before shutting the door before anything else was said.

"So what did you think if that?" Will said amused.

Nico and Will looked at each other before saying at the same time: "Never again will we do this. We suck."

Both boys erupted into fits of laughter.

(A/N) sorry it's not that good

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