Calm Nico Calm.

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Oh my gods I am so sorry about the last chapter it want meant to BE published and I don't know how to take it down so yea sorry just ignore it.

this one-shot was requested by @PhilisTheGlue so yea follow, read, love them.

Will stepped out of the Infirmary after a long night shift and stretched in the sunlight.

"Thanks dad I needed that." Will mumbled. As Will stretched he heard his stomach growling. "Yeah, food," he said to himself. "That's a good idea."

Will made his way down to the Dining Pavilion avoiding the crack in the ground that seemed to have apear over night with no explaination a few years ago. (a/n remember that crack in the ground Nico made when summoning zombies? yea its that crack.)

Will frowned as there seemed to be a big commotion near the old Hades table. As Will got closer he could hear two people yelling at each other... one of the screaming voices seemed familier. as soon as he finished the thought his sister turned around.

"Oh Will, Thank the Gods your hear! It's Nico-" After that Will tuned out he started pushing through the crowd yelling at everyone to let him through.

"-your sister was so stupid that she got herself killed! And then you tried summoning her and she wouldn't even come! She never wanted you! She probably died on purpose!" an unknown boy with brown hair yelled at Nico. Will had no idea what was going on but the hurt look in Nico's eyes made him want to cry and bash the Brunette into the ground.

"Nico!" Will called out. Nico turned to look at him and the hurt in his eyes turned into fire.

"What would you know your just a stupid child of Aphrodite that isn't good at anything!" Nico retorted. It was the Brunettes turn to look hurt.

"Well your just a stupid child of Hades that can't do anything right and-" the brunette didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as Nico pounced on him.

"Nico Stop!" Will yelled at him as he landed a punch. Will ran over and pulled him off. Will was shocked to see a tear slip from his eye. He immediately pulled him into a hug and whispered soothing words in his ear. Will lead Nico back to the Hades cabin and sat him down on his bed and sat next to him.

"What was that about?" Will asked. Nico mumbled something inaudible. "Sorry what was that?" he asked

"He called you a gay whore" Nico said slightly louder. Will was shocked.

" started a fight.....over me" both Nico and Will blushed.

"Well yeah... I mean they called you a gay whore." Nico stood and started pacing. "I just don't understand why they would say some thing like that!" Will shrugged and watched him carefully. When Nico picked up a black vase that's when Will stood up but he couldn't reach him before Nico threw the vase across the room and shattered against the wall.

"Nico!" Will said appalled. Nico reached to pick up a second vase but Will wrapped his arms around Nico's waist.

"Calm Nico, Calm" Will whispered in his ear and pressed kisses to his neck. Nico relaxed into Will.

"He was probably jealous of our awesome relationship, Babe." Will whispered.

"Your right." Nico said and turned around in Will's arms to face him.

"I'm always right, bae"

"Don't say 'bae'" Nico said frowning

"why can't I say bae, bae?" Nico frowned harder

"Alright i won't say bae if you stop frowning." Nico pulled a face trying to stop frowning which made Will burst into fits of laughter. "okay stop it you can frown all you want!" Will said and Nico broke into a smile. Once Will finished laughing Nico pressed a kiss to Will's lips. Just as Nico wound his arms around Will's neck the door opened and Nico's sister Kate stood in the doorway. She took one look at the room and the two men in it then said

"Nope don't want to know what happened." and walked out the door again. Will and Nico shared a look and smiled.

(a/n) yep there it is it sucks but there it is. I kinda got off track about the Will calming Nico Down but hey I did it in day right? plus It's kinda long

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