Ch. 1 - ::Hidan

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I woke up to loud screams and moans and sat up in my bed, groaning in annoyance. I turned and started to bang on the wall.

"Shut up over there Hidan!" I shouted annoyed. It's like clockwork with him. The same time every night,find a girl have sex with her then he kills her. I don't really care what he does with them but when he wakes me up is when I get mad.

"Fuck off Rin!" I heard him shout through the wall. I growled.

"Don't make me go over there you ass!" I shouted and heard a him throw something at the wall. Oh, that's it! I threw the covers off,swung my legs over the bed and headed to his room. I kicked the door open to see the bloody mess all over the place and got Hidan in my sights. He looked over at me and dropped the bearly alive girl.

"What the fuck? Get out of my room!" he yelled raising his fist and went to punch me but stopped an inch from my face and growled. "You are so lucky I don't kill you right now bitch!" he yelled and I scoffed.

"Yeah right. I don't need immortality to be strong." he growled and before I knew it his hand was around my neck and I was off the ground. I put my hands to his trying to pry him off. "Put me down." I told him as I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"Who's strong now bitch?" he asked with a smirk on his face. I glared at him an he just chuckled. "What are you going to do? Stare me to death?" he gripped my neck a bit harder and I winced at the pain. He just curled his lips into a bigger smirk and put me against a near by wall. I looked up at him and he just kept smirking at me. "Why do you look so fucking hot when you're scared?" I growled and spit at him "Bitch." he said and let me go an I fell to the ground. I held my neck and coughed a little then stood up.

"You are a fucking prick!" I shouted and moved my eyes to a kunai across the room and then to Hidan and the kunai flew across the room into his shoulder.

"Ouch! Rin that fucking hurt!" he shouted as he pulled it out and tossed it to the ground.

"You started it jerkoff." I scoffed annoyed. Sadly this is how we interact. Our personalities are way to similar and this is the result. I looked down and the young woman then to Hidan. He shrugged.

"She's all I could find." he said and walked over to her and kicked her. She groaned in pain. "Look at that she's still alive." he said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Just keep it down I'm trying to sleep." I told him and turned to leave but felt his eyes wondering my body. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"Why the fuck aren't you in any pants?" he asked. I was in a tank top and a pair of boy shorts.

"Incase you didn't notice its like 100 degrees in here today." I said.

"Well, you look fucking hot. Those make your ass look amazing." I blinked a few times then blushed a bit.

"Goodnight Hidan." I said and left his room and went back to mine. I sighed and threw myself on my bed and curled into the sheets and quickly fell asleep.

I awoke to loud banging on my bedroom door.

"What?!" I shouted.

"Pansy ass said you have to leave for a mission soon." Hidan said.

"Don't call Deidara that Hidan." I said as I got out of bed.

"Whatever." he said and left. I sighed and grabbed a pair of black jeans that were on the chair near my desk and put them on then slipped t shoes on and made my way to the kitchen. I saw Deidara sitting at the table drinking some tea.

"Are you ready to leave,un?" he asked.

"I guess so. It's just a quick mission right?" I asked.

"It should be. We're just going to pick up supply's at next village over,un."

"Then in that case I'm ready." I said an picked up an apple from the small basket of fruit on the table. Deidara nodded and stood up and we both walked out of the base.

"What happened to your neck,un?" Deidara asked.

"Oh, Hidan and I were arguing last night. It's nothing to worry about." I told him. He nodded but gave me a worried look. I looked down at my shoes and let out a sigh and twirled a piece of my long black hair around my finger.

"What's up with you and Hidan anyway,un?" Deidara asked me.

"I don't know. Our personalities are too similar I think."

"I don't think your anything like him,un."

"Thanks Deidara." I said with a smile. I locked my fingers together and placed them behind my head as I walked.

We were getting closer to our destination, talking really passed the time.

"Here,un." Deidara said as we stopped at a big brick building. "Let's go." he said and I followed him into the building. As soon as we walked in I automatically got a strong musty smell. I covered my nose quickly.

"It smells like dead people in here." I said. Deidara just chuckled.

"Probably is,un." he said as we got to a big steel door and he knocked on it. "Move you hand from your nose it's rude,un." he said and I did as he said putting my arms to my side.

"Come in." we heard a raspy voice say and we walked in. I stood about two steps behind Deidara as we walked in. There was a large desk in the middle of the room with a middle aged man sitting at it. He looked up. "Ah,you're the two Pein sent." he said and stood up and walked over to us. He nodded at Deidara and walked over to me. I looked up and he grabbed my chin. "You're a little to cute to be in such an organization,don't you think?" he asked looking at. Deidara cleared his throat.

"Where's the stuff? We're on a schedule,un." Deidara said causing the guy to move his hand from my face.

"My apologies. Follow me." he said and we followed him to another room. There ware three bags on a table. "There you go. I trust you remember the way out." he said and left. Deidara walked over and picked up all the bags and tossed the lightest one to me. I opened it to see scrolls and paper bombs. I swung the duffle bag over my shoulder and he did the same.

"Let's get going." he said and made his way out, I followed as we made our way back to the base.

We both walked into Pein's office and put the bags down near the door as left since he wasn't there. Deidara and I went our separate ways after that. As I was on my way to my room I saw Hidan and scoffed at him and he flipped me off.

"You're so immature!" I shouted annoyed at him.

"So what bitch? You like it." he said with a smirk and I blushed. He walked closer to me and I backed up into the nearby wall. He cupped my chin in his hand and looked at me with his arrogant face. Why did he have to be handsome? I asked myself as his face got closer to mine. He was almost to my lips but I turned my head.

"Tsk, whatever Rin. You aren't worthy of my damn time." he said annoyed and pulled away. I looked up at him trying to read his expression which was obviously anger and annoyance.

"Whatever you say Hidan." he backed away and let me off the wall. "Where are you headed?" I asked.

"If you must fucking know, I'm going for a drink." he said.

"Mind if I tag along?" I asked needing a brake from being in the base.

"I guess you can come. I'm leaving in a half hour so don't fucking take long." he said. I nodded and left.

I walked into my room and took a quick shower and dried then straightened my hair. I looked at the clock. I only had about eight minutes left. I went to my closet and put on a white tank top a black mini-skirt and a pair of white heels. Simple yet tasteful. I stuffed some cash in my bra and left. I got to the living room to see Hidan sitting on the couch. He must have heard me because he stood up and turned around. He was in a black long sleeves button down shirt and a pair of Dark jeans. The shirt was slightly open to reveal a bit of his beater that he had under it. I blushed as I saw him there.

"Damn Rin you don't need to eye fuck me." he said jokingly. I shook my head and walked toward him.

"Shut up and lets go."

A little piece of heaven ::HidanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin