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The dust started to clear to reveal that he was fine. I let out a sigh realizing he hardened his body in time. Hidan started to laugh.

"You better be afraid you atheist assholes! I thinks it's about time for us to counterattack! Kakuzu brake this Justu will you?" Hidan asked.

"Sure." Kakuzu said but froze in place. There was another one. A man with silver hair who had snuck up behind him and used some kind of electric jutsu through his chest. I stood there dumbfounded that Kakuzu didn't sense him.

"What the fuck is up with that?!" Hidan asked almost annoyed Kakuzu got hit. "I thought physical attacks didn't work on you." The man ripped his hand from Kakuzu's chest and he fell to the ground. "Right off the bat you get hit in the heart? The hell." Hidan said.

"At least he didn't get his head cut off." I said with a smirk.

"Watch it Rin," he scoffed making me laugh.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked. But the man started to charge toward us but Kakuzu it up an kicked him away into a tree causing a domino effect. "Great. You destroyed the whole forest." I said jokingly.

"Let's finish this." Hidan said.

"I intend to." Kakuzu said pulling his cloak off revealing the masks on his back. They started to move and his stitches started to give way and the masks pulled away from his body. The boys shadow possession also ran out allowing Hidan to move again.

"I can't finally fucking move again. Lets do this. Jashin-Sama watch Rin and I! We are seriously going to rip their guts out!" He shouted. I heard something and looked back to see one of kakuzus masks had melted into a puddle.

"Ewww." I said as it got on my shoe. "Gross."

"Kakuzu what the hell?! It just died! You really suck!" He shouted.

"At least it's not on your foot." I said kicking my foot against the dry to et it off.

"Rin, Hidan. Stand down for a while. I'll take care if this." Kakuzu said.

"Hey hey hey! I don't fucking think so. Lets just go with the usual!" Hidan yelled.

"Fine then." Kakuzu said and Hidan and I charged at the silver haired man. We were basically taking turns attacking when one of Kakuzus masks came up behind us and used a wind style attack. I jumped back to avoid it but Hidan stayed like usual. The wind was so powerful I had to put chakra in my feet to keep me from flying away. When it stopped I stood there with my hair a frizzy mess. I let out an irritated groan and started to brush my fingers through it. I heard the girl shout and I smirked and turned around to stop her. I stood infront of her with my scythe drawn.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I asked smugly. She got in a fighting stance as well and I charged her. She was surprisingly good at dodging my scythe but I flipped my scythe around and held it just under the blade and tripped her. I quickly threw it over my shoulder and walked over top her putting my foot on her neck. "That was a bit to easiy." I said a bit bored. I heard an explosion and looked back. Hidan was now attacking the man. I let my guard down and the girl grabbed my ankle and twisted it so I fell. "Shit." I cursed as I got up an saw her run toward her team mates. "You cunt." I said under my breath and quick stepped back to Hidan and Kakuzu. Hidan was in the middle of trying to dig at the young team.

"You all look like kids, I guess you were his students,huh? Well with shit like him as your teacher you won't amount to much." He said really hitting a soft spot.

"Don't talk about Asuma like that!!" The fat one shouted.

"A loving bond between student and teacher? How stupid! What's so great about an idiot like that? Fat fuck." He said with a smirk. The fat ones face was red with rage as he charged at Hidan. He smirked at me and motioned for me to join him which I gladly did. I drew my scythe and ran with him. The other boy used his shadow to stop the fat one and the man came out and deflected Hidans attack. He turned and kicked him away then they started to fight. I hung back as stayed back with Kakuzu and I went after the girl again. I punched her into a tree making her cough up a bit of blood. I smirked I held out my scythe.

"I guess I'll just finish you." I said with a smirk and pulled my scythe back but Kakuzu grabbed her by the neck and pulled her toward him along with the fat one. "Hey!"

"I just want to get this over with." he said and I sighed. I flipped my scythe around and put it in the ground to lean against it. The other boy was fighting against one of Kakuzus masks at the moment so I had nothing to do. I watched as the boy ran up and opened a water scroll and the electric mask attacked him hitting the water thus electrifying Kakuzu. The boy then threw a paper bomb and Kakuzu threw the two and used his jutsu to make a barrier with the water. The bomb exploded and made everything smoky. I walked over by Kakuzu and Hidan jumped down.

"How pathetic. You getting zapped like that." Hidan said.

"How about you getting tricked by a clone." Kakuzu said.

"Shit. You saw that?" Hidan said running the back of his head.

"At least you guys did something. Kakuzu took my kill." I said annoyed.

"Not like you can do a ritual." Hidan said. I glared at him.

"Fuck you." I said knowing he was right. The boy used his shadow to chase after Hidan and the man went after Kakuzu. I sighed an went after the girl and fat one. They were both trying to attack me but I could easily dodge them using y scythe almost as a catapult. I flipped my scythe around and hit the girl in the back of the head knocking her out. "That was simple. Now you." I said looking at the fat one. We got in a hand to hand combat type of fight until I tripped backwards. I looked over to see Hidans scythe. I grabbed it an rolled out if the way of the boys over sized fists. I used my telekinesis on a kuni that was a few yards away and threw it at the fat ones knee making him fall. I got up and looked around quickly for Hidan but didn't see him. I looked at Kakuzu who quickly glanced toward the forest. "Shit." I said and ran toward the forest. I was basically running around aimlessly until I heard a loud crash. "Hidan." I said and ran toward the sound. I broke through to a clearing and saw Hidan dangling over a large pit. He was being held above it but strings with what looked like hundreds of paper bombs strung along them. "Hidan!" I shouted and he turned back to me.

"Rin! Stay back!" He shouted at me. I stood there not knowing what to do. The boy smirked and tossed a lighter at Hidan sending him up in flames and an explosion. I held up my arms to protect myself from the debris flying everywhere.

"Hidan!" I shouted as the dust cleared. Before I could run to help I felt some grab my arms and hold them behind y back. "Fuck! Let me go!" I shouted as I tried to pull away from his grip. "Hidan!" I shouted. The boy walked over to the edge of the pit with me and I saw Hidan in pieces.

"Well this is a shitty state to be in." Hidan said then looked up and saw me. "Rin! You better not fucking hurt her you piece of shit!" He shouted. The rocks started To fall filling up the hole. I felt my eyes filling with tears as I watched the hole start to fill up.

"Hidan!" I shouted trying to get away from the kid but he held on tighter.

"What is she to you?" The boy asked as he held a kuni to my neck.

"Don't you fucking hurt her! She's bearing a child!! My child!" He yelled making the boys eyes wide.

"Hidan!! I'll get you out I sware!" I shouted tears falling my my face. Hidan looked up and me and mouthed 'I love you' before the last large rock fell and covered him. I felt my knees give out and I fell to the floor. "He's gone . . . " I said.


"You did this you fucking prick!" Rin shouted and pulled harshly to get away from Shikamaru. He quickly put his hand in his pouch and stuck her with a tranquilizer. He did need one of them alive weather she was pregnant or not. Then again he didn't want to be the one to kill a helpless unborn baby. She quickly went limp and he picked her up. Two S-ranked criminals in love, how strange. Especially when one of them was that sick freak,Hidan. Shikamaru carried her out of the forest and met up with Sakura and Sai.

"Who's that?" Sakura asked.

"Hidans lover. Apparently she's pregnant. So you need to do a blood test to validate that." He said to Sakura.

"Pregnant? With his baby?" She asked him a bit shocked.

"So he claimed before I killed him." Shikamaru said as he handed her to Sai. "Take her into custody right away."

A little piece of heaven ::HidanWhere stories live. Discover now