Ch.16 :: Hidan

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I sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee as I sighed. Hidan should have been back last night but he wasn't. I know it was stupid to be worried about him but how could I not? I have his damn child in my stomach. I put my hand over the small bump and sighed.

"The hell are you sad about?" I heard and looked up to see Hidan.

"You're back." I said happilyu as I smiled. "What took so long?" I asked him.

"That old fuck found a bounty right after so we had to do that. Then I did a ritual." he said sitting next to me.

"Oh. Well, I have a doctors appointment in a week and a half. Are you going to come?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I guess so." he said putting his hand over mine. I looked down and quickly pulled his hand up and saw stitching all around his wrist.

"What the hell is this?!" I asked him.

"Calm the hell down Rin. Some guy cut it off Kakuzu put it back. No big deal."

"I think it's a big deal! You are to damn careless! Next time it could be your fucking head." I said and he sighed.

"Damn Rin, calm down. It's fine. I'll be careful next time." he said cupping my chin like he always does. He pulled me into a sweet kiss and I quickly relaxed.

"That's so sweet I'm going to barf." I heard and looked over to see Kisame.

"Fuck off. At least we get laid unlike you." Hidan said with a smirk.

"Whatever." he said and walked away. I chuckled.


Hidan and I sat in the doctors office waiting for her to come in.

"How long do we have to fucking wait?" he asked annoyed.

"I don't know. Just be patient." I said looking trough a magazine.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." she said as we walked in.

"You better be fucking sorry." Hidan spat annoyed.

"Be nice Hidan." I said.

"It's fine Rin. Now let's take a look at your baby. Lift your shirt up to the bottom of your ribs." she said and I did. She put the warm blue gel on my stomach and then the wand. I looked over the the screen as she moved it around. Then it got focused and I saw it, my baby.

"Holy fuck. It already looks like a person." Hidan said looking at the screen. I smiled and looked over at Hidan who was mesmerized by what he was seeing.

"There's its arms,legs,feet and you can see the heart beating." the doctor said showing us all the parts.

"So how big is it?" I asked her.

"Its about the size of an orange right now. Let me print you two some pictures to take back." she said and started pressing buttons. I felt Hidan place a kiss on the top of my head as he starred at the screen. "Here you go. I will see you in two more months. Then we can see if it's a boy or girl" she said as she handed me the pictures.

"Thanks." I said as she wiped the gel of my stomach.

"No problem. See you then." she said and left.


A few weeks pasted and Rin really started to look pregnant. Hidan surprisingly didn't mind that his once perfectly thin woman was getting bigger. How could he? She was growing his child an for once he actually cared. He didn't quite like that nine times out of ten someone would be touching her stomach but it was something he couldn't really stop.

A little piece of heaven ::HidanWhere stories live. Discover now