Ch.22 ::Hidan

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Its been about four days since Hidan 'proposed' to me and all seemed well. Granted Deidara wasn't thrilled but he was on board with it, I guess.

"Pein?" I asked through his office door.

"Come in," I heard and walked in. "What do you want Rin?" he asked me as he glanced away from his paperwork.

"How much longer do you think Hidans mission is going to take?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Well, I'm a Jashinist you know so I need to ummm, you know." I said blushing a bit as Pein cocked an eye brow.

"Well, I'm sure someone here would be happy to assist you." he said looking back at his paper work.

"Well, I can't Pein. You know Hidan and I are engaged?"

"Well, I do now. He should be back today. He contacted me while he and Kakuzu were at the drop off point."

"Thanks Pein." I said and left. I walked down the hall then turned a corner bumping into someone. "Fuck, sorry." I said as I looked up to see Itachi. "Hi, Itachi." I said awkwardly. We never got along really which was strange since I get along great with everyone else.

"Watch where you're going next time Rin." he said looking down at me since I was pretty short.

"Y-yeah, my bad." I said rubbing the back of my head as he walked away. Freak. I walked into the kitchen and saw Deidara drinking his tea. I walked over and sat next to him. "Hey," I said with a smile.


"What are you doing today? Anything interesting?"

"Not really. Just training outside."

"Can I come! I'm so bored and I have to get my mind of some things anyway."

"I guess you can come,un. I'm going out when I'm done with my tea."

"Okay, I'll wait here." I said watching him drink. I saw his eye twitch a bit. "Okay, sorry. Damn I'll wait on the couch." I said getting up. I flopped onto the couch and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

"You coming,un?" I heard and looked up.

"Yeah." I said sitting up. "Let's go."

We walked outside the base and a little into the forest. Deidara threw a clay bird on the ground and it turned into a big one.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he jumped on its back.

"I'm not going easy on you,un." he said with a smirk.

"Good!" I said and got into a fighting stance as he flew into the air.

"Go,un." he said and I jumped up a near by tree getting up to him. He threw some small explosives at me and I dodged then pretty easily. I made a clone and I proofed to a mother tree in the smoke from the explosion. He mustn't have noticed because he was fighting my clone as I hid and watched him get closer. I smirked as he got close enough and I tackled him on the bird. "Shit," he said as we wrestled. He pinned me underneath him but I brought my legs up and pushed his stomach then threw in off the bird. I quickly stood up gaining control of the large bird. "Katsu!" I heard.

"Fu-" I couldn't finish, he blew up the bird making me momentarily black out. I opened my eyes to see Deidara grab onto me with his hand behind my head. He set me down on the ground and I looked up at him.

"I win,un." he said with his sweet smile.

"Hey! It wasn't over. I'm immortal. I can go on forever." I said pouting a bit because he did technically win. He chuckled.

"Yeah yeah,un. Are you alright?" he asked me tilting my head up looking for any cuts or burns.

"I'm fine. Can't die, remember?" I asked him as I looked into his eyes.

"Doesn't mean you're not in pain,un." he said as he leaned forward. What do I do? I asked myself as he started to get closer to my lips. I felt my cheeks flush a bit as I felt his breath on my face.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" we heard and I quickly turned to see hidan. Deidara stood up and dusted off trying not to make a big deal about it.

"Nothing,un. I blew her up. I was making sure she want hurt."

"That's not what it fucking looked like to me!" Hidan growled as he roughly picked me off the ground. I looked up at him then to Deidara.

"Well that's what it was,un." Deidara said and turned to leave. Hidan stomped over to Deidara and pinned him to a tree.

"She's not yours! She's mine, you fucking understand?! We are getting married and you're not it the damn picture anymore!" Hidan shouted at Deidara.

"I know that,un! We were training and so you know she lost." Deidara said as he shoved hidan off of him and left. Hidan turned to me.

"What the hell was that!" he shouts annoyed.

"Hidan, it was nothing." I said with a sigh.

"You two were in kissing distance!" he yelled.

"Doesn't mean that was going to happen. Look," I said showing him a pretty bad burn on my forehead hidden by my hair. "he was making sure it wasn't that bad." I said and he sighed walking over to me. "He forgets in immortal." I told him as he walked to me.

"Fine. I fucking believe you." he said and kissed me.

"Where's Kakuzu?"

"He's way back, I wanted to get home." he said and put his arm around my waist as we walked into the base. "I can't believe you lost Against the faggot."

"Hey! I don't usually fight him." I said crossing my arms making Hidan chuckle.

"Whatever." he said as we walked down the halls to his room. When we got in he pushed me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. "I fucking missed you." he said a he started to nibble at my neck.

"Me or sex?" I asked him making him pull away and look down at me.

"Both?" he said confused.

"I would have accepted both answers," I said and pulled him into my lips. We started to get really heated when there was a knock. Hidan growled and sat up.

"What?!" he shouted.

"Is Rin in there?" we both heard Pein ask.

"Yeah, I have her a bit tied up right now." Hidan said with a smirk.

"Well, untie her. I need her in my office." he said and left.

"Fuck," hidan said annoyed. "My fucking balls are going to fall off." he shouted and I laughed.

"Oh relax." I said and sat up. "I'll be right back." I told him and left but not before hearing him let out a pissed off sigh.

I knocked on Peins door.

"Come in." he said and I walked in. "Sit down Rin."

"What do you want?" I asked him annoyed.

"You have a mission with Deidara. I'd like you two to get the one tail Jinchuriki that lives in the sand village."

"Okay, can I go back to my room now?"

"No, you must leave immediately. Go. Deidara is waiting in the living room for you." he said and I let out an irritated groan.

"Fine," I said and left making my way back to my room.

"What took so fucking long?" hidan complained as I walked in and put my cloak on. "what the fuck are you doing?"

"I have to go get a stupid Jinchuriki. Pein said I have to leave now."

"What?! I'm gonna fucking die." he complained as I swung my bag over my shoulder.

"No you won't. I'll be back as soon as I can." I said and left and made my way to the living room.

"Ready to go,un?" Deidara asked me.

"I guess. Let's get this over with." I said as I followed him out of the base and toward the sand village.

A little piece of heaven ::HidanWhere stories live. Discover now