Ch.32 Hidan::

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"Took you long enough, Kakuzu." Hidan said as we both turned around. It wasn't Kakuzu, it was some man with a beard and spiky hair. The man threw some shurikin at us and Hidan pulled his scythe using its metal rope to reflect them. He pulled it up an down to try to hit the man. Then out of no where he pushed me out of the way. I lost my footing and fell on my back. I sat up and saw two different men had impailed Hidan with two different swords.

"The fuck Hidan?" I asked realizing he wasn't moving. Then I noticed a shadow was holding him still. I followed it and saw a young boy on the roof.

"That fucking hurts you pricks." Hidan said makin the men jump a little.

"What's the meaning of this?! We pierced his vital spots." The one with bandages said.

"Don't push it deeper you ass." Hidan complained.

"What the? Is this guy immortal?" The other asked surprised.

"isn't it fucking obvious?" Hidan asked. I stood up and dusted off.

"So. Who the hell are you guys?" I asked.

"He has the same mark as that monk did. Don't tell me we have to go back in that stinky ass office again." Hidan sighed.

"We are hidden leaf shinobi. We've been ordered to capture or eliminate you Akatsuki." The older man said. "Akatsuki operate in two man teams. Our intention was to take one of you down first an capture the other. But, your pretty tough, as expected." He said getting in a fighting stance.

"You assholes are wrong about one critical fact." Hidan said as I stood near him. All of a sudden there was a big explosion like thing above us where that boy was. The boy and Kakuzu exited the smoke this letting Hidan free of the shadow.

"Three?!" The man said a he and the other three jumped back.

"This is a first, you being interested in money, Hidan." Kakuzu said holing his briefcase. Hidan pulled his scythe back to him.

"Kakuzu, Rin. You two stay back. I can take this fuckers."

"What?! I want to fight too you know!" I shouted at him annoyed. He turned to me since I was right next to him.

"Rin just fucking listen to me." He said. I cocked my head at him.

"I can't die so why can't I fight too huh?" I asked him angrily.

"Just fucking do this for me Rin." He said looking at me. I looked at him and blinked a bit.

"Fine but you better be careful." I said and kissed him then jumped back to Kakuzu. The men seemed surprised that we were together. Hidan made a Jashin symbol with the blood quickly. I noticed the guys whispering but ignored it. Hidan can't die anyway. "My stomach hurts." I whined a bit making Kakuzu look down at me.

"Maybe you should have ate instead of had sex." He said bluntly. I blushed a bit since it was weird for him to say things like that. It was kind of like if a parent talks to you about it, it's just awkward.

"Yeah yeah." I said crossing my arms watching Hidan. "Are we really just going to stand here?" I asked Kakuzu.

"If he needs help we will fight but if he thinks he can do this alone let him." He said. I nodded and watched Hidan pull the swords out of him and charge at the older guy while the boy was trying to get him with that shadow thing again. It was fun to watch Hidan fight since he was actually very good at it. Since I have telekinesis I'm a long range fighter so it was nice to watch and learn.

"Hidan, don't underestimate them." Kakuzu said.

"Shut the hell up and watch." Hidan said as he charged at the guy again. I looked over to see the three looking at us,me in particular.

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