Ch.33 Hidan::

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"I'm finished." Hidan said.

"I'll be just another minute." Kakuzu said. The boy went to charge Hidan but I threw the purple thing at him and brought it back to me but it proofed because the guy started to lose Consciousness. I looked up and saw black feathers falling from the sky.

"What the hell is this?" I asked as I saw tons of birds come out of nowhere.

"You think you can beat us with these faggy crows?!" Hidan shouted annoyed as he swung his scythe around.

"Move." Kakuzu said as he pushed me out of the way of a man with a sword.

"Why is everyone fuckin pushing me today?" I asked annoyed as we all jumped out of the swarm of birds. The birds soon exploded into a puff of smoke. Kakuzu jumped away to go get his bounty back.

"You okay?" Hidan asked.

"Yeah I guess. Not like I got to fucking do anything." I said pissed.

"Hey. It's for your own fucking good."

"How so?!" I shouted.

"Rin. I'll tell you later okay?" He asked.

"No. Tell me now." I said crossing my arms. Then I heard Peins voice in my head. He was contacting us.

"Guess I can't fucking tell you. We have to go." Hidan said and Kakuzu jumped next to us. "We'll be back fuckers! So be prepared!" Hidan said as we proofed away.


I sighed as I walked with a clone of Deidara. Apparently Hidan sent him to come get me. He didn't want me doing the beast removal and wanted me to get home.

"Do you know why Hidans being so weird?" I asked Deidaras clone. He looked at me and nodded. "Tell me." I said.

"Hidan told me not to tell you,un."

"So? Come on tell me." I said. He let out a defeated sigh.

"Fine,un. He said that you're pregnant again." He said. I looked at him and laughed.

"No I'm not." I said.

"Oh yes you are,un. Do you really think he's send you home and not have sex for days if it wasn't for a good reason,un." He was right.

"Gah. We have to stop at a store to get a test now." I said annoyed. I took my cloak off and handed it to him. "Come on. There's a place up ahead." I told him.

We both walked in and went to the family planning section.

"This is awkward,un." Deidara said.

"How do you think I feel?" I asked him and picked up the test. I looked at it and sighed. We bought it and left.

I squatted behind a tree and peed on the stick.

"Are you done yet,un?" Deidara asked.

"Yeah." I said an pulled my shorts up then put the cap on the stick. I walked out and held it in my hand. "It's not a bad thing if I am right?" I asked out loud. "If he didn't want it he wouldn't be so protective." I said looking at Deidara. "Right?"

"Yeah,un. And he wouldn't have asked me to come get you,un." He told me. I took a breath and looked at the test.

"I cant." I said and handed it to Deidara. He looked at it then me.

"You peed on that,un." He said grossed out.

"You're a clone stupid just take it the damn thing and tell me what it says." I said. He looked at me then took it from my hand.

A little piece of heaven ::HidanWhere stories live. Discover now