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„Aeri!", I heard someone shouting.

I turned around and saw Hyunjin walking towards me with a bright smile on his face. Behind him was the light of the sun, so he looked so shiny.
I stared at him and could only smile like crazy and probably even blushed because of his stunning beauty.

„I need to talk to you."


„Hello?", he asked waving in front of my eyes.

„H-Hyunjin, I'm sorry. What is it?", I asked, stopping myself from staring.

He took my hand and pulled me with him to sit down on a bench, outside at the school yard.

„Why are we here?", I asked, looking around, seeing no one.

Did he wanted to be alone with me? I imagined things and already saw myself blushing. I sighed internal because of the reactions of my face. It's so annoying if you start blushing all the time for no important reason.

„I wanted to tell you something, alone.", he spoke quietly, leaning forward.

Could he really...?


„I want to ask someone out on a date."

I felt my heart breaking into thousand pieces. He definitely meant someone else. If I was the one he talks about, he wouldn't tell me. But on the other hand, Hyunjin is unpredictable. That would be so romantic.
Besides, a date doesn't equal feelings for someone.

„And why do you tell me that...?"

„I need your advice... I don't know if she's interested in me..."

„Do I know her?"

„Pretty well! I guess you know her the best."

„And... Do you love her?"

„I'm not sure...", he said, thinking, „That's why I wanna ask her out first."

„Tell me, how long do you know her?"

„Not that long actually... Do you think it's too early to ask?"

„Just try it out... I guess no one will say no to you."

„Oh...! Does that mean that you would say yes as well?"

„I–I", I started stuttering, while blushing, „I u-uhm..."

He leaned forward while, grinning and bopping my nose, „I'm just trying to tease you.", he said, putting an arm around me.

So does that mean, that he doesn't want to ask me out?

„I know that this makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry."

„No, it's fine..."

I would love to go on a date with you, Hwang Hyunjin...

„So... When will you ask her?"

„I don't know yet, but you will know when I did~"

I looked at him, smiling, „She will say yes.", I mumbled.



He grinned at me. I guess he understood what I said.

I have the feeling, that he will ask me out. He didn't told me exactly who she is, so I'm hopeful.

„He what??", I asked over the phone.

„The situation was already predictable. I knew this would happen."

„I know, but I really hoped that it wouldn't happen!"

He regrets, but she doesn't [A Stray Kids FF]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя