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I avoided Hyunjin the whole day, because I was still pissed on him. He didn't talked to me as well and the situation was really uncomfortable.
I could finally sit with who I wanted on the table, because Hyunjin always wanted me to sit next to him back then.

„Hey~", I said, when I sat down next to Minho.

„Hi! It's so nice to see you!", he answered, laying his arm around me swiftly to hug me. „Did Hyunjin tried to talk to you?"

„Please don't mention Hyunjin. I'm finally here  eating lunch with you, I don't wanna talk about that idiot."

„Oh, I'm sorry!", he apologized, showing me a little smile.

„Hey uhm... I'm sorry if I was just talking about Hyunjin all the time. You should know that he's not the only reason I talked to you."

„I know, I'm just not used to it."

„I'm so sorry. It's only about you from now on."

„About me?", he asked surprised.

„Ehhh, I mean...", I tried to explain blushing, „Hyunjin was-", I stopped, when I felt his hand on my tight, „I was just teasing you. I know what you mean."

I blushed and chuckled slightly, „Pabo."

„Do you want me to start tickling you in front of everyone?"


„Then you should stop being disrespectful~"

I giggled, „I'm sorry."

We started to eat together, with Seungmin joining later on and I enjoyed the time, when we needed to head out to our next lesson.

Hyunjin was in my course. I've got a small sheet of paper, where ‚Meet me in the schoolyard after the lesson is over.' was written on.

I was curious who it was. I wanted Hyunjin to be the one apologizing but I didn't know if he was in the mood to talk to me.

I saw Hyunjin walking towards me, all by himself.

„Thank you for coming. I'm glad that you came alone.", he thanked, „Do you have a moment?"

„Be quick. I want to go home."

„I'm really sorry for my ridiculous behavior... I was mad for no reason at all. I should have brought you home. Can you forgive me?"

„Hyunjin, do you really expect me to forgive you because of an small apology after what you've done? Do you actually know what a hard time I had because of you?"

„I'm really sorry... I don't know how to make it up again."

„I guess you just shouldn't. It's fine, I don't need more of these meaningless apologies. In the end you're judging me again and again because I have a boy friend except of you."

„I won't, I promise! Please give me a second chance!"

„How many chances do you still want? I only came to that damn party because you asked me to and you broke your promise! I don't know if I can trust you anymore."

He walked towards me and wanted to lay his arms on mine, when I got pulled back. I didn't see the person but I knew it was Minho. He was always there to protect me.

„It's you to blame. She tried so much to convince you otherwise and you were the person who decided to not believe her. I'm only telling you that because you're important to her and she won't do it otherwise. No mater how much you hate me, no one deserves what your girlfriend did. Hyerin gossiped about us and called her ugly. She told some dude that she used you to date some other guy, because if she dates you, she's going to get attention. She betted that you could fall for her. She likes you for your looks and she wanted to take you away from Aeri. Everything worked out.", Minho explained, having one arm around me to protect me.

He regrets, but she doesn't [A Stray Kids FF]Where stories live. Discover now