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DRAPETOMANI: (n.) an overwhelming urge to run away.

a horrible headache woke you up. Pain, tingling in the skull. your limbs were heavy, your mind cloudy. the smell of cigarettes mixed with his scent burned your nostrils. he was there, beside you peacefully asleep. and there you asked yourself "do I really like him?". you've been dating for a while but the problem was that you didn't feel much for him.

he was certainly a good fucker, but did he make you feel... how do we call it?
Ah yes, love.

you got up, got dressed and put on your shoes; « Mmm...babe where are you going ? » you sighed and decided to tell him, finally; « I'm leaving asshole » but before you could even cross the doorstep he blocked your way.

"What do you want from me? I told you that-"
"Y/n..you have such a beautiful neck you know?", this son of a bitch was strangling you. you weren't going to die in a place like this anyway. so you gathered the little strength you had left and kicked him in the balls. you caught your breath and ran as fast as you could out of this rotten apartment.. hearing him scream in pain got you laughing like you've gone mad.

after running for long minutes you jostled someone; "Hey! Look where you're going" he shouted at you "wow calm down I just escaped from my ex who wanted to kill me so don't piss me off" you were breathing loudly while holding your neck "looks painful, how did you run away? " "ball kick" "ouch.." he said holding his balls, you both laughed.
"Yeonjun" he said holding out his hand with a bright smile on his face; "y/n" you said while shaking it.
"Babe!!" A girl voice called from behind him; "oh sorry I gotta go, it was nice to meet you y/n!" and before you could even reply he headed back to his car where his "girlfriend" was waiting for him looking at you with contempt.

One month after:
A month has already past since the meeting you had with this guy, "yeonjun" You thought. He was living in your mind rent free, "please y/n he has a girlfriend and he probably loves her more than anything" But It's not because there's a goalkeeper that we cannot mark right ? the problem for now wasn't his girlfriend "where to find him ?" Was the real problem. 5am, you finally fell asleep with him torturing your mind.

the next day you called your mother to ask her for money because yes, you were unfortunately unemployed.
"Come on mom please"; "y/n if you don't want to go back to university for the sake of god at least find a job!!" you took a deep breath and let y/n the actress come in. "how dare you let me starve! what an unworthy mother you are, I'm calling father immediately!"
"Daughter you are 19 years old wake up!"
"I promise to find a job this time, My back can't carry all this oscars I get every time"
"I can't stand you anymore.. okay I'll make a transfer to your account" you hopped in joy "love you"; "love you too" she replied, amused.

you were heading towards the bank and when you got in you had a rather surprising encounter..
"Yeonjun ?" he turned around a little confused but quickly changed his expression recognizing you; "oh hey y/n! What's up" he was standing strangely, hiding a black bag behind him and when he noticed your gaze directed towards it he broke the silence that reigned; "anyway I have to go now it was cool to see you-" "wait!" you shouted at him before continuing your sentence "can I at least have your number?" mixed he gave it to you anyway before disappearing in the shadow of the night.

you finally saw him again, but he was so distant.. probably because he has a girlfriend but this time it was weird, like he was hiding something.

you were walking along the long empty road while singing a song that was played on the radio this morning "but then my bed grows colder~ like my empty shoulder~, what can I do ?". you stopped because of the the sound of a police siren that sounded in the distance but got closer and closer. Suddenly a gray car passed at an incredible pace followed by a police one. "Yeonjun" you started chasing them as if your life depended on it.

a big boom was heard, as if one car had been jostled by another. and it was, yeonjun's car got hit by a second police car from the opposite side.
a policeman rushed up to him and pulled him out of the car. fortunately he was safe and sound. watching carefully you could see a female silhouette getting out of the car in a hurry, shouting at Yeonjun and trying to.. hit him?
you stood there helpless and in total incomprehension watching him getting embarked without his girlfriend. weirdly.

one of the policemen was holding the same black bag he had previously. had he stolen something ? money ? and why ?.

your curiosity gnawed you from the inside, you took a deep breath and started running towards the police cars that were already far ahead. but why exactly? he was a pure stranger, were you going to risk your life for a stranger? put you in danger for him?
determination, you got that from your father "I hate you!" you screamed, your lungs were burning your legs were going to let go at any moment but despite that you continued to run.. because deep down you were also doing it for yourself, so that your life will no longer be more meaningless than it already is.

after about thirty minutes you finally arrived in front of the police station, you could see him from the outside. He was dressed in a white tank top, blue jeans and his messy raven black hair made him even more irresistible.. his name was the only thing you knew about him, no more. but a voice in your head kept telling you that you had to get him out of there and so you did; « shit » you thought before crossing the entrance.

« Yes miss how can I help you ? », said the receptionist. « Oh.. it's for my brother haha, apparently he got caught doing something...illegal » she was looking at you, suspicious; « okay... give me your brother's name please » a detail escaped you, you didn't know his full name. a policeman brought yeonjun back from the hall, the pretty stranger sat on one of the seats that were in front of the reception. What to do now ? « Miss, I have work ahead of me so hurry up » you turned to him. he looked like a real lo$er, a loser that you started liking a lot..
« sorry for the inconvenience! Finally, I'm going to get him out of here in my own way » you said smilingly.

you took yeonjun by the arm, looked him straight in the eyes and when he agreed to your insane idea nodding you started running with all your might to escape the police. "A pain in the ass those there!" "Stop talking and run brat!!" You screamed laughing.
a little further 4 boys in a car were waiting for you and this time he took your arm and ran faster to reach them "guys !!" he shouted at them, waving his hand.

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