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It's in the kiss, in the only kiss that we sometimes think we feel this impossible union of souls that we pursue, this confusion of failing hearts.

all were very understanding and supportive. yeonjun wanted to celebrate your friend's coming out no matter what, you found it very nice of him.

« stop I'm going to cry » said beomgyu sarcastically wiping away an imaginary tear.

« but that's okay gyu, a gentleman should act like one » replied yeonjun with a dramatic air that made the rest of the group burst into laughter.

so that's what feeling at home is ?

since you were with them your previous life didn't even matter. stealing to survive became a habit and hiding to escape a talent. you and beomgyu were closer than ever, your relationship with yeonjun evolved too but something.. no someone bothered and that someone was Beomgyu. He liked him more than you probably did, he was your friend and you didn't want to hurt him.

alas so is life, and nothing happens as planned.

night was gradually falling, your gaze lost among the passing trees. when suddenly, beomgyu snapped you out of your thoughts by putting on some music.

"damn beomgyu! be careful I'm driving" shouted soobin

"sorry, not on purpose" he answered with a smile from ear to ear.

the song he put on was titled « lover of mine » by 5 seconds of summer.

"oh! I love this band!" you said excited.

« Woah really?! » turned gyu to you, and after that followed a debate on which song from the album was the saddest and most painful.

"Ow this yellow shirt fits you amazingly well" whispered Yeonjun from the back feeling his warm breath against your naked neck.

in the incomprehension you were about to answer "but it's green-" when soobin cut you off by shouting "WE ARRIVED !!" Causing taehyun and kai to wake up confused, you giggled seeing their puffy faces.

from the outside it was just a simple abandoned shed but entering it was a huge arcade room full of different games, tables in all corners and junk food stalls of all kinds.

"so gyu, do you like it?" Asked Yeonjun.

his eyes were shining with his mouth wide open, he looked like a child discovering the pleasures of an innocent life, which will not last very long...

"I absolutely want to do everything !!" his excitement warmed your heart he was finally freed from all the burden he was carrying.

"The customer is king" said a voice from behind. he was tall with a tattooed arm and his hair fell over his angelic face.

"Oh! Jungkook hyung!" gyu threw himself on him.

"y/n this is jeon jungkook a dear friend" yeonjun presented him with a smile adorning his beautiful lips.

"nice to meet you y/n" said jungkook holding out his hand.

"oh nice to meet you too" you said smilingly.

"good pick yeonjun, y'all look cute together"

"uh we're not-" you were peony red

"yes, she got my eyes and heart" said yeonjun bringing you closer to him by the waist.

beomgyu pouted slightly before leading kai to the games followed by taehyun soobin and you two.

you played, laughed and had fun. a sudden craving for soda took you, so you walked to one of the dispensers where jungkook was.

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