Maybe i caused this

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yeonjun caught up with him on the way "What the fuck is wrong with you ?!",
a mixture of anger and worry could be heard in his voice.

"with me ?" he answered as if he was at the end of his rope.

he took a deep breath and resumed; "it's her fault!" he pointed at you, the rest of the group stepped forward.

"since she showed up in our lives nothing's going right! damn yeonjun we're wanted by the police because we saved that bitch!" he spat his last sentence with hatred and resentment.

"Choi beomgyu!" shouted taehyun,
"you didn't dare call her a bitch, did you?" Said soobin confused and followed kai "you're going a little too hard on her..." he said in a small voice.

"kai.. even you?" he bowed his head.

tears rolled down his cheeks and suddenly he fled.

he ran as fast as he could followed by all of you, "GYU!!" you screamed out with all your might.

your lungs were burning, throat tight and teary eyes.
you walked through the entire wood that surrounded the area where you were.

The thing you didn't know was that the forest was split into two parts, the bad news was that a highway pulled them apart.

Guilt, a feeling of fault.
No matter Whether this fault is real or imaginary.
This emotion arises from the gap between what we ideally want to be, and the actions we actually do..

the more you ran, the closer a light came.

a big boom was heard, your heart was going to let go.

and you prayed that it would be a simple nightmare "gyu..." come true.

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