Chapter 1 - Goku (Super Saiyan)

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A/N: As you may notice, the Official Dragon Ball Encyclopedia was updated with game mechanics added in it and considering Dragon Ball FighterZ has 20+ fighters (plus DLC), I shall separate them into a few chapters. For now, let's get into the story. Remember, reviews are most welcome.

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum (R.I.P.)

Dragon Ball belongs to Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation.

Dragon Ball FighterZ belongs to Arc System Works and Bandai Namco Entertainment

As Ruby pressed the play button and the video played, the gang were suddenly greeted by an intro sequence as the hard-rock intro song played as it continued playing many scenes.

BGM - Dragon Ball FighterZ OST: Opening

The scenes include various characters, then the Dragon Ball FighterZ logo. Then, a small annotation appears titled: "All Dragon Ball FighterZ Intros, Dramatic Intros, Ultimate Attacks and Dramatic Finishes".

Yang: Wait, is this a video game?! I wanna get my hands on it!!

"Of course it is. It's a pretty popular fighting game where I'm from."

Then there are many scenes in chronological order: Goku's battle with Vegeta on Earth, Super Saiyan Goku fighting with Frieza on the destroyed Planet Namek, Teen Gohan's fight against Perfect Cell, Gotenks and Adult Gohan fighting Kid Buu, Goku finishing Kid Buu with the Spirit Bomb, Beerus fighting Goku in space, Hit facing Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Future Trunks' bout with Goku Black, Vegito and Future Trunks fighting Fused Zamasu, Goku and Frieza against Jiren, Gogeta facing Broly and various combos and finishers from all of the other characters in the roster.

After the intro had concluded, the theme song finally ended with the Dragon Ball FighterZ logo on the screen.

BGM Ends

Everyone was amazed by the intense opening cinematic that left them in awe.

Ozpin: Well... that was certainly interesting.

Ironwood: You could say that again.

Glynda: *Ahem* Well then, Mr. Redgrave. Forgive me for asking, but could you please elaborate on what it is we just witnessed.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, guess I forgot to explain. Alright ladies and gents, listen closely. What you all just watched was the introduction of a very popular video game: Dragon Ball FighterZ!!!"

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard the name of the game.

Ruby and Jaune: Dragon Ball... FighterZ?

Weiss: Excuse me, but are we supposed to know what that is?

Qrow: I agree with the Ice Princess here. I honestly don't think I've ever heard of a game like that before.

"True. However, I have to remind you all this game comes from my world, and not yours. So, don't be so surprised if there are things that only "I" know about, when you don't."

Coco: Oh, really? And what kind of things do you know about this game?

"A lot. Like, a whole lot of things. But rest assured, I will gladly answer any and all questions you may have, so please feel free to ask me anything you may see going forward. I'll be sure to give you all very clear cut answers, you have my word on it."

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