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Hello everyone, this is AzureSiege2001.

I understand that you are patiently waiting for the next chapter of this fanfiction, and for that I am truly grateful. However, due to some rather... unfortunate circumstances, I'm afraid I might have to take a little bit of an extended hiatus for a while.

Yesterday on January 21st, 2023, one of my favorite YouTubers has unfortunately passed away. He was known by many names such as "Otaku D. Furiku" or most famously "Slick Goku". His content was truly spectacular as he provided us with laughter and great stuff to watch, whether that be on his own channel or when he collaborates with other talented individuals. And it truly is heartbreaking to know that he is now longer with us.

So, to make a long story short, I hope and pray to all of his friends and family that they are all doing okay and that they have my sympathies and I also hope you all understand my reasoning for taking this hiatus on this story.

With that being said, this is AzureSiege2001 signing off, and I'll still be here delivering more of my stories. Take care of yourselves out there and stay blessed.

R.I.P. Slick Goku

1997 - 2023

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