Small intro

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In 1967, a pregnant woman is rushed into the hospital unbeknownst to the people that she was attacked by a vampire.

A man looked at the doctor,
" police found her in the street", he said as the doctor inspected her quickly

"Looks like she was bitten by some kind of an animal", he said seeing the bite marks on the woman's bloody neck.

A nurse shouted urgently,
"Jesus. Her waters broken. She's going into uterine contractions", they quickly checked on the woman's uterus,
" we have to do a C-sections", someone yelled out as they worked on getting the baby out.

Being bitten had caused the woman to go into premature labor. The doctors do all that they can to save her baby. But the woman dies of an unknown infection, so they think!

The little babies cry could be heard as they got him out through the c-section. The handsome baby was saved.


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