Chapter Five

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As the doors opened, Blade had took the lead as Blaire looked around, inhaling the scent of wood and bleach. She looked towards the ceiling as the lights turned on.

"Some kind of archive", he said as they walked down two small steps.
"This must be where they keep most of their records", he tells them.

"Isn't this just a little high tech?", Karen questions.

"They've got their claws into everything- - politics, finance, real estate. They already own half of downtown", Blaire said as they kept scouting through the archives.

Blaire scrunched up her nose,
"What's that smell? Gosh", she gags as they hear someone talking.

"Image carefully, Frost. You will need 12 purebloods to make the ritual work. Krieger is that you?", they walked around the gadgets to see a very big obiest vampire,
"They- _they're here! They're here", he yelled as Blaire looked at the computer screens,
"This must be pearl. The records keeper", Blade states.

Pearl releases a very loud smelly fart,
"They're going to kill me! You need me, Frost! You need me!", pearl cried hysterically. Blaire looked down hearing a voice,
" Pearl, your history. Have the good grace to die with some fuckin dignity". Blade turned the laptop,
"Congratulations, Blade", Frost praised.


"I hear you and that nice little gal you got been lookin for me. I'm flattered", Frost said.

"It'll pass", Blade retorts as Frost ends the video chat. Blaire stood next to Blade who used a stool to kneel on his knee, snapping his finger, Karen pulled out the flashlight,
" what is that?", Pearl shakily asked.

"That, biscuit boy is a U.V lamp. We're gonna play a little game of 20 questions. Depending on how you answer, you may walk out of here with a tan. What's that?", he points to a screen showing some figured animation images.

"Oh that? Oh it's nothing. It's routine research. Heh. Heh. Actually, it's a video game", Blade snaps his finger and Karen turns the U.V lamp on an points it at Pearl. He starts to scream as his skin starts to sizzle and burn.
Blaire looked toward the door with a frown, she walked up to it and placed her hand on the door.
Something wasn't right with this place.

"It's a fragment. A piece of the prophecy", Pearl yells.
"And there is nothing you can do about it, daywalkers", Pearl yells.
Blaire could feel Blade behind her,
"Something is in here", she said as Blade pulled out the foam bomb.
"What's in here?", Blade asks as Pearl stutters,
"Nothing. It's a-a store room. But you're wasting your time. There's nothing of importance to anyone", Pearl says quickly.

"Then you won't mind if we take a peek", Blaire smiled at Pearl who suddenly screams. She watched as Karen turned back on the U.V lamp. Blade looks and takes a few steps forward looking at Pearl who whimpered in pain all bloody and burned up skin. He looked at Karen who looked at them,
" he moved", she deadpanned as a light chuckled from Blaire caught her attention,
"I would've just killed him", she shrugged.

Blaire stood behind Blade who shielded her from the door explosion. Blade walked in first followed by Karen since Blaire wanted to make sure no one came from behind. They went through a sliding door and Blaire frowned at the pages from the vampire bible.

"What is this?", Karen questioned

"These are pages from the book of Erebus, vampire bible", Blade said as Blaire looks at one,
"It contains everything... their entire history", she said.
"La Magra must be one of their legends", Blade continues.
Blaire stiffened hearing footsteps,
"Why is Frost so interested in La Magra?", Karen asked but Blade shushes her
"Stay with her", He tells Blaire before looking around.
Blaire stood beside Karen,
"Somethings not right!", she said just as she sensed someone behind her and tried to grab her but she caught the hand and punched the person in the face.  She grunted as she was grabbed from behind but grunted when she was stabbed in the shoulder with a wooden stake.
"Blaire", Karen exclaimed as Blaire dropped to the floor. She groaned looking up to see Quinn laughing.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here", he cackled as two vampires grabbed her by the arms and dragged her.

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