Chapter Ten

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     Blaire struggled as they dragged her up a ramp and her body racked with shivers as her thirst got stronger by the second. They were led into a stone chamber but dragged her the opposite way against the wall and watched as they took off Blades vest.
She watched as Vanessa who is Blade's mother pulled out a pocket knife and started to rip open his shirt. She growled as the mother turned to her and smiled. Vanessa walked up to Blaire with a sultry sway in her hips and ripped open Blaire's buttoned up shirt, revealing her bra. Blade tensed as his mother took the knife and cut the button off her jeans.

"You both are gonna have so much fun", she says taking off Blaire's pants leaving her in a lace pantie and bra.
"You are all sorts of beautiful. Frost was right", she said licking Blaire's chest all the way to the curves of her breast and trailed her tongue up to her throat. She groaned feeling her insides burn. She snapped her fangs at his mother who chuckled slightly.

"You got a good one son", Vanessa says as Blade stared at Blaire. She watched as she walked up to Blade,
"Poor child", she touched his cheek with the back of her hand, " your so sick. So thirsty", she says looking at his body and touching it.

"Don't touch me", he said and she pulled her hand back,
"Eric. Look at me. Vampires are my people now. I'm one of them", she tells him but Blade still wouldn't believe it,
"Can't be", he muttered as she smiled,
"Yes, I can", she walks up so that she's right up in his face, "try to understand, Eric, your mother died a long time ago", she rubs her nose against his chin.

"I've hunted...I've killed...And I've enjoyed it. Haven't you? I know you have... sooner or later, the thirst always wins. Just ask her", she steps away looking at Blaire who was shaking badly from the thirst.
"Don't worry Eric, I'll take good care of her, I promise", she said walking away and stopped using her heal to lock Blade in the stone chamber. Vanessa looked to Blaire who had struggled in the hold of Frost's men,
"Now, what am I gonna do with you", she says before gesturing to the men who suddenly slams her against the wall,
"You know what to do", she smiled before walking away and hearing Blaire's screams.

Blaire groaned as they dropped her body onto the ground leaving the stakes in the palms of her hands.
They had yet again drained her of her blood. She shivered inhaling deeply as her eye sight were blurry.
She could hear footsteps and turned her head slightly to see Karen creeping her way into the room.

"Blaire", she rushed to her as Blaire stared at her in a daze.
"Get..Blade", she slurred her words but Karen shook her head,
"Let's get you taken cared of first", she said pulling out the stakes from her hands,
"Owwww", Blaire whined as Karen pulled out the other quickly trying to stop her palms from losing a lot of blood.
"Get Blade. My thirst... I can't... you can't be near me", she said leaning against the wall with whatever strength she had.
Blaire looked to see a man coming in and rushed forward snapping his neck.
Karen looked to see Blaire stripping the man of his clothes and putting it on.
"Much better", she stands up and looks at Karen who had an eyebrow raised but Blaire shrugged and slowly made her way to the stone confinement and told Karen to help her and with their strength they turned the stone back and stepped back when it opened.
"Blade", she looked at him in fear, he was barely breathing and they had drained him way worst than her. She ripped off the straps and shrieked when she wasn't able to catch him,
" Blade", she kneeled down turning him over so that he was against her.
Blaire's focus was on Blade and not on her thirst. She didn't know what to do. In every situation, he'd always save her and help with the healing but at this very moment she didn't know what to do.

"Gotta stop...", she heard him mutter after seeing his wrists were cut deep.
"Stop..." he kept tryna focus on his words. Blaire caressed his cheek as her eyes welled in tears,
"Save your strength Blade", she softly says as his eyes flickered everywhere.
"Blue...Green...yellow", he muttered which caused her to smile as he remembered the colors she needed to collect for her pendants. Although he was badly hurt, he still thought about her and that warmed her half human heart.

"He's hypovolemic", Karen spoke up to Blaire who looked at her confused,
"What does that mean?", she asked as Karen stared at her with a soft look,
"He's bleeding to death", she said as Blaire looked down at Blade placing her forehead against his,
"Need... Serum", Blade gasped out.

"I got to give him my blood", Blaire says as Karen shook her head,
"That could be dangerous Blaire. You were drained of blood. You could die from blood lost", she said as Blaire sighed,
"I Love him and I'm not gonna sit here and let him die. Even if he has to take the last of my blood", she strongly stated as she lifted Blade against her chest placing his face in her neck.

"I'll let you handle this, I'm gonna see what I can do out there", Karen said running out.

"Blade...Blade....Listen to me okay, you need to take some of my blood", Blaire softly says as Blade lifted his head,
"No", he looked at her.

"Yes, you are. You saved me more times than I can count. Please let me save you this time", she said kissing him on the lips before moving her neck to his mouth.
"Do it", she urged him and winced when she felt him latch his teeth to her neck. Her body shuddered as she felt him break skin and with the bloodlust he had, he started to move and take over. She could feel her core tingle as she panted feeing him suck on her neck.

"Don't stop", she whispered as Blade pulls her tightly into him. She moaned out as she held onto him.
"Don't stop", she moaned as she felt him put his hand on her waist and squeezed it lightly.
Blaire moaned as Blade kept pulling her body more into his. Feeling her body shake with pleasure as Blade finally let go and roared out as blood dripped down his chin.
Blaire laid on the ground breathing heavily as she heard his bones crack from the stiffness. He bent down over her as she smiled lazily,
"Blaire", he caressed her cheek as she smiled at him before her eyes rolled in the back of her head.
He touched her cheek lightly then looked up to see his mother come rushing in.

His body tensed as she looked at him with a vicious look,
"How was it?", she asked before lunging at Blade who ducked from her claws and dodged all her attacks.
He didn't want to kill his mother, it was hurting him deeply to see his mother who he thought was dead and is now the thing he hates and kills.
He knew she was no longer the mother he came out of before the bite.
Blade dodged her hit as she hissed at him.

Blaire groggily opened her eyes seeing Vanessa try to attack Blade. She sat up slowly feeling her neck strain in pain. She watched as Blade picked up a piece of bone Karen had dropped that she had used to escape the hole in the ground.

Blaire kept her eyes on Blade who continued to dodge his mother's attacks. She knew all his life he waited to kill the person that killed his mother only to find out she was here alive and was a vampire. Frost will get his end. She understands why he's hesitant to hurt his mother. He missed her so much.
Blade twists his mother's arm and slams her up against the wall.

"Eric", she says his name calmly and soothingly as if he were a child.
"I'm your mother", she looks him in the eyes, "you wouldn't hurt your mother...would you?", her hand rested on his shoulder.

Blaire stood up carefully feeling how exhausted her body was. She looked at Vanessa who had pulled Blade into a hug, she smiled for a second there but she knew that was Blades last request before putting his mother to rest.
"I must release you", he said which confused Vanessa before she screamed out feeling a piercing pain through her abdomen. Blade pushed the bone inject deeper as she cried out. Blaire walked up to him slowly as he backed away and watched as his mother turned to ash.

"Blade", she softly says as he looks at her, seeing his body was tense. He walked up to her, pulling her into his arms but she shook her head,
"I'm okay", she says softly with her eyes closed,
"I'll take blood after, right now we need to stop Frost", she said opening her eyes and looking up at him as he growled picking up his vest.
"Trust me, it'll be worth it later", she said as they rushed off.

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